Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Published 2017-12-06

All Comments (21)
  • That door opening quietly is way more unbelievable than the screen.
  • @DareDevilPhil
    Can you imagine looking down a corridor and seeing his face the size of a 4x4 staring at you. That'd take me down silently with a heart attack
  • @imalemon6626
    If there was a glitch in reality infront of my eyes, my first instinct is to do ANYTHING else but run right into it
  • @aznsoysauce
    6:54 love how the music changes from dramatic to operatic, to resemble Russian General demeanor
  • @thekrogg137
    The eye-tracking invisibility screen is awesome, but my favorite gadget has got to be the water drip noisemaker thing. It feels like a device that a lot of thought went into – something that's innocuous enough to not raise major alarms, but important enough that most guards will feel the need to check it out (but also not enough that they'll immediately call for backup or a plumber). It's not going to raise suspicion that they hear it multiple times but can't find the source, you can vary the frequency of drips without it sounding too unnatural, and it's plausible for the sound to mysteriously go away once you've finished your mission. Plus, it's a sound that could be heard in almost any setting, and usually requires your guard to dig around in tucked away areas where bathrooms/pipes are usually found.
  • The fact that the device incorporates real time motion parallax so the projection lines up with the stooges point of view is oscar worthy. It's such a specific idea and it works so well. I also love that the device is such a successful illusion right until another person walks into the scene / someone gets in the way of the render at which point the jig is up. Amazing writing to keep the audience on the edge their seats 💯
  • @chr0min0id
    Can we talk about how absurdly genius this contraption is?
  • @DMonty91
    3:14 to 3:25 is a moment of Perfection in the movie. Lately, we've seen action movies where protagonists joke about even in tense moments, more often than not killing the tension. And then there's This moment. The sequence starts with a lot of tension, and these 10 seconds give the audience a good joke that, not only doesn't kill the tension, but it actually duplicates it. Magnificent planning and execution of the scene. 10/10 should do it again.
  • Holly fucking shit! Whoever pieced together the music and the scenes in this movie is a genius . The absence of music at the part they are silently moving the fake mirror . The suspense when ethan is searching and the archives , which gets more suspenseful when he realises there is nothing there . The rise of suspense when they hear the interference and the chocking of the guard. The pacing music when ethan says abort and they pick up the pace to get out of there , which gets faster and faster the faster the characters are going , the “compromised” music when the guards discover the fake mirror while also being suspicious when he walks by the “bad guy” (forgot his name) and when he notices the empty vault . Then gets faster when they pick up the pace which then turns to a russian choir when ethan is acting as the russian general. Then he changes outfits and the characteristic mission impossible sound effect is heard, where then the music becomes suspicious about what is happening
  • @Quartz5005
    This scene is like me sneaking at night to get snack
  • @shubrock18
    This movie changed the future of MI franchise
  • @sober_monk
    Honestly, "American tourist" is not the type of disguise I'd consider when exfiltrating a Russian government building. I mean, if an alarm is tripped and the guards don't find the guy, they're gonna pin it on the nearest American and call it a day, lol
  • @DonnieDisasters
    I like how realist the device is. It actually track in real time the eyes so the camera can be at the right spot to render the scene.
  • @TheLeninTrain
    At first I was like "This tech is so futuristic, it'd be insane to pull off", but then I remembered, the way the Mandolorian is filmed is done with some very similar tech. If I remember properly, the dome they film in, tracks the cameras' positions, so it gives the illusion that there's an actual landscape.
  • The Guard had a Metal Gear Question Mark hovering over his head the entire time 😅😅😅😅🤣