Published 2022-03-15
Study & practise over 50 of the most common English phrasal verbs with me in this lesson! We’ll review the most popular and useful phrasal verbs so that you can use them confidently and fluently!
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I’m teaching you through the BEST phrasal verb lessons that you can find on the mmmEnglish YouTube channel, including, look down on, come up with, turn down, butt in, talk over, come across, fight off, come down with, get by, wrap up, grow up, come on, and many more phrasal verbs!

Are there other phrasal verbs you want me to teach you? Let me know in the comments!

Read the full transcript of this lesson on my blog here:

--------- TIMESTAMPS ---------

00:00 Introduction
00:56 Phrasal Verbs for Conversations
07:29 Phrasal Verbs with LOOK
12:34 Phrasal Verbs for Illness
16:21 Phrasal Verbs for Money
18:34 Phrasal Verbs with COME
23:58 Business Phrasal Verbs
25:20 Phrasal Verbs with UP

#mmmEnglish #EnglishPhrasalVerbs #CommonPhrasalVerbs #PracticePhrasalVerbs #PopularEnglish #PhrasalVerbs #EnglishWithEmma #EnglishTeacher

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All Comments (21)
  • @Mister-wonder
    A little help here guys 🙂👇 1/ bring up : to start discussing something. Ex: let's bring this up at our next meeting. 2/ to get across: when you want to help someone understand something or manage to communicate an idea clearly. Ex: he is not good at getting his ideas across. 3/ jump in : to interrupt , to join a conversation . Ex: jump in if you have any questions. 3/ butt in: to interrupt a conversation or discussion or someone who is talking. Ex: I was speaking with sue after she lost her job, then jim butts in and start talking about his new promotion. 4/ blurt out : to say something you're not supposed to say. it's secret. Ex: I'm sorry I just blurt it out! 5/ get through to: to try to call someone and they don't answer. Ex: I'm trying to get through but there's no answer. 2 meaning: when you are trying to make someone understand what you are trying to say. Ex: it's difficult to get the message through my team because we all work remotely. 5/ to talk over: to discuss a problem or a plan , usually when you're trying to find a solution , it's when you're a little stuck , you've got talk about some more so that you can come to a resolution or to make it clear. Ex: I know you're upset, let's talk it over tonight when you get home. 2 meaning: to speak when someone else is speaking, to intentionally interrupt them. Ex: I don't mean to talk over you, but we have already decided what to do. 6/ talk around: to convince or persuade someone to agree. Ex: I didn't want to go but he succeeded in talking me around. 7/shut down: to stop someone in the middle of the sentence. Ex: it was kinda awkward, she just shut him down mid-sentence. 2 meaning, to close something. Usually permanently, forever. Ex: the restaurant got shut down last year. 8/ back ( someone) up : to give support by telling other people you're agree with something they said or did. Ex: thanks for backing me up during the meeting. 9/ look back on (something): to think about the past. Ex: I tried to look back on the mistakes i made in the past and learn from them. 10/look after (someone): to take care of someone. Ex: who's going to look after your dog when you're away? 11/ look down on ( someone) : to think you're better of someone or treat someone or something as unimportant or not respect worthy. Ex: it's really common for people who value university education to look down on those who don't have degrees. 12/ look for ( something): to try to find something. Ex: I'm looking for my keys. 13/ look forward to (sth): to wait for something and feel excited about it. Ex: I'm looking forward to summer. 14/ look around or round: to visit a place and see what is there or to explore a place. Ex: before i book the venue I'd like to look around, is that okay? 🙈 15/ look out : to be careful. Ex: look out! you're about to knock that glass off the bench. 16/ look out for (so.): to take care of someone. Ex: my nephews are always looking out for each other at school . 17/ look ( something) up: 1 meaning: search for and find a piece of information in a book or a dictionary. Ex: if you don't know a word look it up in the dictionary. 2 meaning: . (of a situation) improve. Ex: "things seemed to be looking up at last" 18/ look up to someone: to respect someone and you wanna be like them. Ex: I really look up to my boss. 19/ look into ( sth.): to investigate something. Ex: the police looked into his business dealing. 20/ look over ( sth.): To examine something usually quickly. Ex: I'll look over the report and let you know if you want to add anything. 21/ look through (sth.) : to read or briefly examine some of the pages of (a book, magazine, etc.) Ex: She was looking through a magazine as she waited in the doctor's office. 2 meaning : to look at the different parts of (a collection or group of things) I looked through all his letters. 22/ come down with: to catch a cold or illness... Ex: they came with Cold. 23/ fight off: to defend oneself against (someone or something) by fighting or struggling : to avoid being harmed or overcome by (someone or something) Ex: she came down with a cold but she was able to fight it off quickly. 24/ pass away: to die. Ex: my mother passed away give years ago. 25/ dip into : to spend some of your money usually it's money that you're saving for specific purpose. Ex: I'll have to dip into my savings 🙁 26/get by : manage with difficulty to live or accomplish something. Ex: even though Tim has been without work for six months they have been getting by . 27/ go without: manage without something one usually has. to live or continue without having (something) Ex: how long can a human being go without sleep? 28/to mentioned or talked about in conversation. Ex: if anything important come up. I'll tell you about it later. 2 meaning: to approach or go towards someone especially if they are on high level than you are . Ex: come up on stage and collect your award. 3 meaning: if something comes up, it becomes available. Ex: a new opportunity has come up and we need to take it. 4 meaning: if a problem or an issue come up , it happens and we need to deal with immediately. Ex: something has just come up so I need to cancel my appointment . 29/ come in : to enter a room or building. Ex: the tv was so loud he didn't notice me come in. 2 meaning: to arrive. Ex: the train come in at Three o'clock. 3 meaning: it can also be used when talking about clothing or fashion. Ex: these shirts come in three colors. 30/ come out : something that was previously unknown and becomes known. Ex: after 10 years the truth finally came out. 2 meaning: to appear. Ex: there was a dead tree coming out of the water.3 meaning: the release of a product. Ex: the New album will come out in Jun. 4 meaning: to go somewhere with someone for a social event. Ex: do you wanna come out with us Friday night. 31/ come on : to hurry up. Ex: come on, we're gonna be late. 2 meaning: to encourage someone. Ex: come on, you can do it . 3 meaning: it's used when you don't believe what someone said. Ex: come on, that's not true! 4 meaning: to start working. Ex: the light in the bathroom just came on. 5 meaning: it's also used when you're referring to a sickness that is just starting to develop. Ex: I think I got a cold coming on. 32/come down: when something moves in a downward direction ⬇️. Ex: there was a big storm last night and many of the trees came down . 2 meaning: it's used when you're talking to someone who is higher than you , perhaps in a tree 🌴. Ex: come down here ! 3 meaning : it's used when something reduces , often the price. Ex: We're coming down everything in-store for the next seven days, so come on by for the best deals in town! 33/ come down on ( someone): to punish someone become they didn't perform as expected. Ex: my Boss came down on me really hard because I didn't finish the report in time. 34/ come over: to describe a movement from a place to another. Ex: why don't you come over My house for dinner? 35/ come back: used when somebody or something returns to a place or an original state. Ex: I'll come back a half and na hour to get you . Ex2: I thought I got rif of my cold bit I think it's coming back. 36/ brush up on : to update or improve skills. Ex: I got the job at the polishing company! But I really need to brush up on my editing skills. 37/ to turn down: to say no to something or refuse. Ex: they offered me a tickes to the conference. But I had to turn them down because it's my son's birthday 🎉 38/cheer up : to improve your mood. Ex: he was very sad so i told him a joke to cheer him up 😊 39/back up : to provide extra support. Ex: she backed up her stories with photographic evidence. 40/ dress up : to wear a fancy dress for specific party or weeding.... Ex: I've got to dress up because I'm going on a date . 41/cook up : to prepare (food) for eating especially quickly. Ex: I can cook up some hamburgers. 2 meaning: to get an idea ready, to do something maybe a surprise party 🤷. Ex: I'm cooking up a plan . interesting. 45/ whip up : to excite (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to feel strong emotions about something. Ex: His speech whipped up the crowd. 2 informal : to cause or create (something). Ex: She was trying to whip up some enthusiasm. 3 informal : to produce or prepare (a meal) very quickly. Ex:I can whip a meal up in no time. 46/ dream up : to think of a new idea or to imagine someone new. Ex: I dreamt up an entire neaw plan for the party. 47/Set up : to plan or organise something. Ex: I set up my studio every time I need to film a lesson. 48/ make up : to invent a lie 🤥 or a story. Ex: don't believe her , she always makes up a stories. 2 meaning: to repair your relationship. Ex: Sarah and John had an other argument but they always make up. 49/ come up with: to suggest or think of an idea or solution. Ex: Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own. 50/heal up : when a surgery get better. Ex: his broken leg healed up really quickly. 51/ sober up : to become less drunk or intoxicated. Ex: coffee and breakfast will help you to sober up. Patch up: to fix something whole again. Ex: I'm going to patch up my the hole in my jumper. So I can wear it 😉 52/ finish up : to complete. Ex: finish up your food. 53/ wrap up : complete, to finish up . Ex: it's almost time to wrap up this lesson . 54/Drink up : finish your drink quickly 56/Eat up : finish your food quickly.
  • I watch your videos repeatedly so that I can brush up on my English in particular phrasal verbs. Thank you Emma!
  • @niciamuller_me
    Hello your lessons are excellent and always helps me to remember and brush up my english skills! Its really important to stay in touch and practising the language! For me grammar and communicating is equally important and essential!! We can see that you put love into your teaching!! Thank you!
  • Emma, you're one of the best teachers I've ever met!! Congratulations! Thanks a lot
  • Thank you so much for backing me up. I always look up to my teachers parents and friends. I get by with a great help from my wife.......//.....//...❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
  • Thanks a lot, this lesson is very informative for me. It is easier for us to remember all these phrasal verbs because you gave such a real-life example.
  • @newloggers
    Hi Emma :) How are you doing ? Well, thanks a lot for this cover. When it comes to learning phrasal verbs in an effective way, you're the first teacher who comes to mind :) For me, it's really important to learn phrasal verbs in daily spoken English. They help us understand the native speakers better and have fluency while we're speaking. Many thanks again. Have a nice week. Greetings from Turkey :)
  • Thank you Emma for this awesome video. Your lessons are always very helpful to enrich our knowledge in English language skills. Phrasal verbs are a big problem for me
  • @MunireAknur
    You are incredibly useful to us with both the content and the worksheet🙏Thank you so much
  • @AsifKhan-nv5sg
    Amazing. Really worth listening. Yes, I agree these prepositions can be used in daily routine.
  • @vluna8983
    Emma thank you very much for this lesson compilation. It's just what I need!
  • @ElMoscas114
    Mmmm yeah, I swear whenever I watch your remarkable lessons, I feel peace of mind. So thank you ever so much for making it great.
  • I like your warm smile, calm and carefully way of explanation step by step a topic in details. Really. It helps me better understand the content of every lesson and learn more. I appreaciate it and fond of watching your channel :)
  • @sahukk
    Marvellous!! Great tips and ideas for improving English. I never saw so confident and enjoyable lessons ever read or watched .
  • @ermira9528
    Hello, Emma. Thanks for this amazing and interesting video. Your video lessons helps me a lot to improve my English.🌸
  • @anarghakk7979
    This lesson was very useful.thank you Emma for sharing such an interesting lesson.
  • @psubhash5500
    Emma you're much more than I thought about you. Keep enlightening us
  • @Jonathanmurot
    You literally saved my life in a way that now I’m starting to find more sense to phrasal verbs and how to use them properly. You’re just the best!. Regards from 🇵🇪!