the cringiest D&D things I've witnessed

Published 2023-01-05

All Comments (21)
  • @SnailMan307
    Jacobs ability to embody these cringe characters is both insanely impressive and mildly disturbing.
  • That last one was a lot more painful than I could have ever anticipated. As a DM I pray to never do anything half as cringey as that.
  • It's super impressive how he can run around the table so fast while also changing his clothes,
  • @adamc5914
    At least he RP’d his own girlfriend NPC’s actions. Even worse when a player just looks at the DM and is like “hey you’re RPing sex with me now”
  • @BreakerX42
    One of our players was so....unique with his rp he got a custom "cringe" stat. Any time he digs himself too much of a hole with a friendly npc he can roll cringe and the npc will just walk away
  • The one where he said "I made such a great mystery" hit me in the stomach. Like, some people don't understand that a good mystery is made to be solved and if it isn't solvable right now you should drop additional clues
  • The acting in this is honestly insane. The awkwardness after the player got himself killed and then blamed the others and left was so realistic it HURT
  • The last one is so disappointing for players who just actually found out the way to solve the situation.
  • @animatorbug
    Had the "lone wolf" rogue split off from the group in a military base in my sci-fi campaign. Picked a fight with 4 well-armed men, and was burnt to death with a flamethrower. He was very upset because "Well that isn't fair! Why would they even be there!?". Inside a military base. That's owned by the guards' faction. That are selling weapons and goods under the radar. And don't want to be caught. He was upset that they posted guards near the illegal goods. He still complains about it and compares situations to that one years later.
  • @Kao108
    I was like "Oh this is starting off a bit uncomfortable but nothing too bad" and then you managed to hit me harder with each consecutive cringe-swing. I now lie dead on the pavement. God
  • @HOTSOUP205
    The way the dm speaks in the first skit PERFECTLY captures how i and probably other dms who just started out spoke. Dude is a legit amazing actor.
  • @yoshitheonly
    Imagine you play a game with Jacob and then 3 months later you see that one of his skits has a story scarily similar to your game. Just to realize he's roasting the fuck outta you.
  • @icetide9411
    The last one hurt me on a spiritual level. Don't get me wrong, the one where a player acts dumb and gets mad when he dies was uncomfortable, but that last one... Fear.
  • @Spika94
    That last one I actually physically cringed and facepalmed. God, I would not want to be in that situation. They made such good role play, and then the DM just released a bukake of cringe.
  • @sydknee604
    “you walk into the building and you see a human” incredible description from the dm
  • @aidanneal5688
    The second to last one resonates with me... One time me and a ranger got into a combat with a bunch of super weak slimes in a sewer, I was a rogue and I just started killing the slimes. The ranger on the other hand decided to try to grapple one of the slimes, which he failed because it was a -4 because the slime was so slimy. Then on the next turn he tried AGAIN and miraculously succeeded. The next turn he decided to take a bite out of it and before he did the dm warned him that it was a caustic slime, but he did it anyway. He ate a chunk of the slime, and it burned his throat and did a good amount of damage, about 1/4 his health. The dm clearly designed this battle to be ranged focused since the slimes were much slower than us, but since he had taken 3 turns to bite the slime, he was surrounded by the others. He then tried to argue that the other slimes would be intimidated by him biting it, but the dm said that they were pretty much mindless. Anyway he almost died and before he died he basically was just like "why didn't you help me... If I die I'm done I'm not making a new character this is stupid" everyone at the table was dumbfounded.
  • That last one hurt so bad. I had a friend do a cooler version of this where their wizard that we all loved from a failed campaign showed up as a shop keep/info broker/group patron option. It was a beautiful surprise. He greeted us with a haiku, which was a little form of madness he picked up from the old game.
  • @meta-less
    As a dm I once got the words “broth” and “brothel” confused.