5 Postflop HACKS To INCREASE Your WIN Rate! [Poker Lesson With Alex Fitzgerald]

Published 2023-05-03
Learn these 5 postflop tricks that Alex ‘Assassinato’ Fitzgerald teaches you to instantly increase your win rate at the poker tables!

In this poker video Alex will show you some unconventional postflop plays that he does not always get to teach. He has used all of these in the field constantly to great effect!

Alex Fitzgerald teaches you some of the things he has learnt from extensive study into the general poker population and their tendencies. He also talks about how there are 3 categories of poker hands if you want to simplify your strategy when playing in a heads up pot. How you will play pairs will make or break you in No Limit Hold’em!

Alex uses Flopzilla to help visualize his thought process and ranges which helps you determine your poker hands equity against a specific range that your opponent could have.

Alex teaches you the merits of utilizing an overbet in situations where your opponent’s range is capped to being weak. This is a great tool to use in the mid to low stakes where players will often just give up their weak holdings when facing a large bet size.

Alex gives a great insight into what information you can gather from the strength of your opponent’s hand depending on their bet size. There are many occasions when a poker player will use a small size on the turn in an attempt to buy a cheap showdown at the river. Against these particular opponent’s you should look for spots to lead on the river to try and get extra value from your stronger poker hands.

Here are the 5 postflop tricks that you can use to increase your win rate:

1) Raise pairs on the turn to get money from weak leads!
2) Overbet the turn when your opponent caps his range!
3) Lead the river for value versus opponents who are trying to buy the showdown!
4) Checkraise Ace-High boards with the best kickers!
5) Bet bigger on Ace-High boards when you have the Ace!

0:00 - What You Will Learn
0:43 - Poker Hand Example #1
3:39 - Always Think Of A Raise Or Bet First
5:21 - What Was Your Plan On The River?
6:48 - Raise Pairs On The Turn Against Weak Leads
6:59 - Poker Hand Example #2
13:36 - When To Overbet The Turn
13:44 - Poker Hand Example #3
14:56 - Why Lead There?
18:14 - When To Lead The River For Value
18:28 - Poker Hand Example #4
21:40 - When To Checkraise Ace-High Boards
21:55 - Poker Hand Example #5
26:03 - When To Bet Bigger On Ace-High Boards

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

#pokerstrategy #postflop #alexfitzgerald

All Comments (21)
  • @PokerCoaching
    Which is YOUR favorite postflop trick from this video? 😀
  • @PO-Dunk_din
    I really enjoy all of the coaches but Alex is probably my favorite. He is a teacher . Easy to listen to and I can tell he really enjoys teaching which makes learning easy and so much fun. Thanks
  • In example number 2, that goes along with what Jonathan has said about check raise bluffs not being that common in lower stakes. The call on the flop is telling, gives us a good reason to do that overbet. Thanks for letting me think about overbets more because I don't really have them in my game except trying to get worse hands to call me on the river :( which usually just ends up scaring them off.
  • @GutttSHOT
    Incredibly informative all round! Brilliant
  • @johnverdeaux
    I LOVE the overbet. In loose passive games, it's sometimes to only way to generate any fold equity. That said, it's not easy to know when it's appropriate. You can value own yourself pretty badly if you aren't smart about it.
  • @joshkasen
    This really is some top tier Alex content.
  • @robertmcglone361
    Man when Alex gives a webinar “I listen”. He is outstanding. Thanks so much Alex, your the best!
  • @bigcrescendo
    In the 3rd one where he leads river, wouldn’t raising the turn be better? Or would that just scare him away too much
  • @nickmullen402
    Interesting video! I paused on the turn of example 2. Our overbet on the turn assumes that villain's check-call range on the flop is way too weak, and it kinda doesn't make that much sense (in my humble opinion) because if we had a flopped overpair or some kind of queen or some thick value hand like a straight or a set, then we wouldn't want him to consider folding a 7, and if we had an OP or a Q then we would have to call off a turn check-raise which would feel pretty dicy... interesting play though and probably good if you say it is
  • @tomasdirocco
    the assassinato is back! im fan of him and grasquet thanks pokercoaching
  • question. In explme #2, what if villan has two over cards like J Q or 10 Q and hit the Q on turn??
  • In the last example, trick 5 - with a board of Ah 2h 3d - wouldn’t you frequently bet small on the flop due to having a slight range advantage but no real nut advantage?
  • For hand 2, you capped your opponent's range based on timing tells. These are less reliable online, when multi-tablers never think too long about a play, and someone who seems to be tanking could just be multi-tasking. Could we still cap our opponents' range here. Also, if we are going to do this as a bluff, what value hands would we balance it with?
  • 20:17 I found the x/r after considering his cbet frequency. He should be cbetting this flop close to %100. If he folds any hand that's not an ace or pair, we can exploit it by x/r every time. As a response, he needs to be defending against an x/r with a range wider than Ax or pair. If he's forced to defend more widely, were getting a lot of value with AQo. Further, if he does have an Ace, we can likely get more value on later streets.
  • @joshw6337
    What if flop was same but hearts instead of Diamond do you still check?
  • @ceyalt1946
    Why didnt we raise the turn on number^#3