Brave Browser: Target Specific Site Cookies Not Just browsing Data

Published 2020-08-09
The so-called tutorial videos I've seen get it wrong, too. No surprise as techies often struggle with understanding normal questions (I'm on the spectrum, too). They tend to answer what they assume is the question rather than actually reading the actual question. If there isn't an answer template they have NOTHING helpful to say. I see this on MS, Nvidia, Google, etc. support forums all the time. Annoying as fuck to deal with.

I have a speech impediment and cognitive issues so I have trouble speaking and focusing on what I am seeing hence the hesitation when I try to mouse over the correct area. Good times!

If anyone has a simple way to add closed-caption to videos please let me know. The only option I've seen is to write out the whole video which I don't think is the correct way. Thanks.

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