HÔTEL NUIT NOIRE - Animation Short Film 2022 - GOBELINS

Published 2022-11-23
What if it were possible to meet one another in our sleep? One night, three strangers find themselves in a Hotel of dreams. They must navigate this strange world together before dawn.
Et s'il était possible de se retrouver dans nos rêves ? Une nuit, trois personnages se rencontrent par hasard dans un Hôtel des songes. Ensemble, ils doivent trouver un moyen de briser la boucle de leurs tourments et se retrouver au bout du rêve.

Directors / Réalisateurs : Vincent ALBERT, Neïl DIEU, Malo DOUCET, May TARAUD, Marie TOURY
Team contact / Contact de l’équipe : [email protected]
Soundtrack: What Benny Sees (bit.ly/3ibJJdi)
Soundtrack / Musique : Félix MEYER, Jonas ROTH
Sound editor / Montage sonore : Nadège FEYRIT
Mix / Mixage : David COUTURIER
Production : GOBELINS, l'école de l'image - Cécile BLONDEL : [email protected]
Distribution : Miyu Distribution - Luce GROSJEAN : [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • @gobelins
    Message from the Hôtel Nuit Noire team: "Hello everyone ! If you want to see more from the directors follow our instagrams : @hotelnuitnoire.gobelins @vincent.anhson @neildieu @malodoucet @maytaraud @marie_toury The Hotel Nuit Noire OST is available on Spotify ⭐"
  • I absolutely love the detail of their hair! The young boy having one stray strand, the woman 2 and the old man 3!
  • C'est ça que je cherche, l'ambiance, la qualité du doublage et de l'animation, j'aimerais tellement un long métrage similaire en plus la thématique des rêves>>>
  • @quill9121
    Personal interpretation: (Feel free to add your ideas :) The three dreamers represent longing: the woman of someone who is dead, the old man of someone who’s forgotten him and the boy of someone he has never met or something he’s never had. It is when they are jolted through their nightmares that they realise that they must bring the change that they want to be part of. Instead of dreaming idly or waiting for things to happen, they fly towards them. The magical epiphany that occurs in the dream fizzles out in the morning when they wake up on their different beds signifying that the dream of the night is merely an illusion. The peeking sun on the horizon represents the most cherished things that we believe we can obtain in our dreams. It seems to suggest that the magic is just behind a curtain :) After all, our most fantastic leaps of imagination happen in our dreams!
  • @evanlroy6587
    Just excellent. The tight storytelling, the art that breathes on its own — it’s everything a dream should be. So well done!
  • @Melodiekey24
    I loved that movie ! The esthetics were incredibly well done, and peacefull ! It was so metaphorical, and invite each one of us to interpret it in our own way. This is my interpretation : The hotel seems to be the place where the dreams take birth (the child), last (the young adult) and finally fade (the old man). This is how things are supposed to be, and this is what makes them so precious. Every dream can turn into a bad one if you don't let it go. I personally love how you can actually compare the dream to life itself : we are all a constellation of dreamers, hanging on to promises that we make to ourselves and to our loved ones. Even if we don't realise it, and tend to think that every dream is our own and should be kept from the world, we are allowed to rely on each other. To be an ambitious is scary and can feel lonely sometimes, it's kinda of like opening a door without knowing what's behind. Maybe it doesn't have to be, and dreams are made to be shared. Life takes good care of the dreamers, time will make things right.
  • This is amazing. The story, style, animation, music, sound design and acting are superb. It really makes me feel as if I'm waking up from a dream. What a captivating short film. Thanks for creating it.
  • @kyriesong1505
    Love this poetic piece so much that I decided to make a comment. I love the little details you guys insert in: - You literally number the characters I, II & III according to their age, from the youngest to the oldest. Number I, the youngest can go to any realm he wants and enter the other 2 characters' dreams, which infers his endless possibilities and sorrow he might counter in the future (like of II & III). - First scene with III I can see white lilies and purple roses at the corner. White lily is popular in both weddings and funeral, and this is doubled in meaning: a spouse he has lost. Roses are purple, similar to the figure in his music box, & I think this implies she was always beautiful in his eyes, he loves her so much. - The scene with II takes place in a meadow where she probably used to enjoy her time with her dog when it was alive. - The lobby leading the boy to the door is covered by a carpet with textures that assimilate snakes, an animal with many symbolic meanings. Snake as an archetype concerns the maturation of the ego and is also the guardian of the gate to one's unconsciousness in Carl Jung's theory. - The boy's shadow may be the Shadow, his dark side that he doesn't want to face or(&) his fear of growing up as it gets bigger and looks vicious. - The characters' eyes are like how the dream is visually coded in this piece. Sorry for the long rant but I just want to express my interpretation right away
  • @Gaetandld
    vu et revu, juste exceptionnel, plongé dans le rêve tout au long du film, très touchant et prenant, et la musique aussi! <3
  • @meloettafg
    ok but the music and style??? 100/10 💖💖 hope they release the soundtrack version
  • Man this short film feels like a combination of Little Prince and Little Nemo. Especially the kid who has the energy of little Prince but also his design reminded me of Little Nemo in Slumberland. This looks amazing as a short and Im happy to see it here. <3
  • @Nyowind
    Absolutely fantastic. The style, animation, sound design, and voice acting were terrific -- perfectly fit together to make a whimsical feel of a dream!
  • @weem90
    This is how I interpret the boy and his key that can open any door: the key represents all the paths open to him, though he finds through the nightmare that not all these paths are for his benefit. When he buries it, it represents growing up and realizing that certain paths and opportunities are closing. This situation isn't hopeless, however, as keys can only open doors built but other people. He's still free to forge his own path, one not limited by doorways made by others, one more focused and original.
  • the fluidity, the metaphors, the colors, the music, this is a masterpiece!
  • Whow, not gona lie this movie may have helped me quite a lot I wont sleep tonnight probably, but tank you so much :')
  • @anrijupiter
    I really love this style of and the style of Au revoir Jérôme. They’re both very unique and beautiful.
  • @Yuyukatanz
    I was in awe throughout the whole 7 mins... this year's films are crazy man