Death Valley Flood Destroyed Our Road...Now What?

Publicado 2022-08-14
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Hey guys, this week was a hard one up here at Cerro Gordo. A "1,000 year flood" hit Death Valley right by us and completely washed out our road. Short term, it made it impossible to get up or down the road. Long term, this will mean we cannot get the trucks up the road needed to continue progress on the American Hotel and many other projects. This is an absolutely devastating blow in the series of devastating blows that seems to come with living up here.

The future of many projects is completely up in the air right now and may push the timeline into the winter, which would mean at least 6-8 months of no progress. BUT we're doing everything we can to push through.

More photos:

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Mailing Address: PO Box 490, Lone Pine, CA 93545


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @g0dr0ck
    Let not forget; after Brent works 12+ hours a day repairing the road he takes the time to edit and upload so we can come along on the journey. Thanks Brent!
  • Brent I’m a 50 year old farmer running a 3000 acre family farm in Australia. My experiences in life have taught me no matter how hard things get, when you work through them and fix the problems your self, the feeling of satisfaction and personal reward is far greater than being able to call the maintenance team to fix it. These things make you stronger, and you come out the other side a wiser and better person. You are doing a great job with Cero Gordo, I started following your channel about 2 days after you posted the first video when you got the 2WD Toyota stuck in the snow, in the dark that very first episode. I hope to come visit you some time in 2024, we are coming over to visit my wife’s sister in Oakdale CA. I look forward to every video that you post, both good and bad; hang in there buddy and stay strong!
  • Didn't realize that I was emotionally invested in your project until this event. Was talking with a neighbor up here in Vermont about you yesterday. We were nearly in tears over the flash flood, as if it were a personal loss. We have decided that Cerro Gordo is now on our bucket list. See you when the hotel gets done.
  • @ix_ix_
    I won’t be surprised that washing out of the road ends up becoming a blessing for him… like the road will end up being built better this time and him meeting a lot more people who will help just because …
  • @tylertrembley
    Just like the burnt ashes of American hotel, the road will be revived! Love the preservation of history you’ve been able to maintain Brent! Keep it going. Incredibly inspiring
  • @TimeBucks
    Love how strong you have grown over the years.
  • @dphillips1258
    Never can we count out Brent with his perseverance. He is a trooper like no other. Everyone is behind you.
  • @eatmyoctopus
    This really makes me realize just how hard it was for the people who lived at CG during its heyday. It’s must have been very isolating in the winter when snow was heavy and also during the rain. I’m sure you’ll have the road working again in no time. PS like the music you used in this video and where you used it.
  • @henkspreeuw
    In a way you are living the life of a miner. One day you struck gold, the next day you are struggeling. You can do it, we all believe in you!
  • @weetabixharry
    There's something cruelly poetic about fiiiiiiiiinally getting water storage up to Cerro Gordo, then getting so much water it destroys everything.
  • Hey Brent, consider the positive things that happened just prior to the washout. The tank was delivered, a nice new excavator was there when you needed it, and that there is a back road into Cerro Gordo. I'm sure you will figure this out and it will be a delay and not a project stopper.
  • @gulleywasher
    Hey Brent, even though this may be a disappointing setback, this too is part of Cerro Gordo’s history and the great adventure you bring to us each week. Me and my 13 year old son, Gerard, enjoy wanting. Hoping to visit you sometime in the future. Keep the faith, as you are a master story teller and bring us much joy.
  • @ruthz3960
    That the excavator was left there for you is incredible. Gives a person reason to hope. No matter where you are life is going to send curve balls. Expect it! This is what makes people stronger!
  • @Praderanoire
    Brent, your devotion to this town shines brighter than you realize. You've already proven yourself as capable and strong enough to make something like this happen. We all love you Brent, and the legacy that you've already carried on your shoulders. Your audience will never leave you in the rear-view, and all of us are right here with you. Cerro Gordo forever.
  • My lord, setback after setback.. can’t catch a break! Brent, I respect you beyond words for your dedication to this town and all your hard work. The fact you still take time to make us content through all this is unbelievable and very appreciated.
  • @IvanMorningstar
    I’ve been following the progress since the beginning. I can see your body is actually changing due to environment and your hard work. Please take care of yourself more . One day I’ll definitely visit you there.
  • @TruckerChick
    If a bunch of people with wagons and mules can do it so can you Brent! You got this! Sending yall love and hoping everyone stays safe.
  • I'm really glad that the county approved your request to at least make the road usable for 4 wheel drive vehicles. So many places would never even let you touch the area and would force you to wait for them to do it in several months. Hopefully some other people who know how to fix that kind of stuff see this video and are able to help get the road completely redone with approval from the county.
  • @Kareszkoma
    Somewhat I can relate. When I was working on my own land, little piece of a forest, I had a lot of hardships. But that hardship gave me skills, different point of views, hardened me a little, and gave me a will to go on. It was mentally healing and nurturing.