Pokemon Lunatic Crystal v1.6 - Pokemon League (Will, Koga, Bruno, Karen and Champion Lance)

Published 2024-04-24
After defeating the Rival in Victory Road it's time to take on the Pokemon League. This final stretch is one of the hardest, if not the hardest part of the game, your teambuliding will need to be on point as you cannot access the PC Pocket in the Indigo Plateau.

There is one change in the mart, you can now buy items to restore PP, so be sure to take advantage of that if you feel you might run out.

The levels range from 72 (Will) to 77 (Lance's Tyranitar and Dragonite) and the level cap is 75, as such the player will be on par with Karen and 1-2 levels below Lance, this is a common level cap in Hardcore Nuzlockes and Challenge runs, so this is what I went with as well.

Since this video covers 5 different battles I will not be able to go into detail about every single fight, however I will list the Pokemon the Elite Four use, their items and movesets, as well as offer tips on teambuilding.

Will's Team:
- Jynx (Nevermeltice): Lovely Kiss, Psychic, Ice Beam, Petal Dance
- Slowking (Leftovers): Thunder Wave, Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam
- Magmar (Charcoal): Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Cross Chop, Confuse Ray
- Alakazam (Focus Band): Thunder Wave, Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Psychic
- Xatu (Sharp Beak): Sky Attack, Confuse Ray, Psychic, Giga Drain
- Espeon (Twistedspoon): Hidden Power Fire, Psychic, Zap Cannon, Growth

Koga's Team:
- Nidoking (Soft Sand): Earthquake, Megahorn, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb
- Lapras (Leftovers): Confuse Ray, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
- Hypno (Leftovers): Thunder Wave, Psychic, Seismic Toss, Crunch
- Venusaur (Miracle Seed): Sleep Powder, Solarbeam, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis
- Scizor (Quick Claw): Swords Dance, Cut, Strength, Steel Wing
- Crobat (Focus Band): Toxic, Razor Wind, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain

Bruno's Team:
- Electabuzz (Magnet): Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Submission, Ice Punch
- Machamp (Quick Claw): Curse, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Cross Chop
- Heracross (Quick Claw): Megahorn, Submission, Earthquake, Rock Slide
- Tauros (Pink Bow): Return, Megahorn, Earthquake, Rock Slide
- Slowbro (Leftovers): Thunder Wave, Surf, Ice Beam, Psychic
- Typhlosion (Charcoal): Flamethrower, Thunderpunch, Shadow Ball, Submission

Karen's Team:
- Gengar (Focus Band): Hypnosis, Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt
- Blissey (Leftovers): Seismic Toss, Psychic, Thunder Wave, Softboiled
- Houndoom (Charcoal): Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Flamethrower, Crunch
- Umbreon (Leftovers): Toxic, Crunch, Rest, Sleep Talk
- Feraligatr (Mystic Water): Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Submission, Rock Slide
- Tyranitar (Quick Claw): Rock Slide, Crunch, Earthquake, Thunderbolt

Lance's Team:
- Kingdra (Miracleberry): Toxic, Outrage, Surf, Ice Beam
- Entei (Charcoal): Sacred Fire, Extremespeed, Earthquake, Solarbeam
- Snorlax (Leftovers): Curse, Body Slam, Rest, Sleep Talk
- Aerodactyl (Sharp Beak): Sky Attack, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Swagger
- Tyranitar (Quick Claw): Rock Slide, Earthquake, Curse, Thunderbolt
- Dragonite (Focus Band): Thunder Wave, Extremespeed, Fire Blast, Outrage

The hardest fight by far is Lance, with a powerful Kingdra that has only one weakness, the blazing fast Aerodactyl, a Legendary beast, two Pseudo Legendaries with good coverage, one of which can also set up Curse, as well as another Curse sweeper in Snorlax which with a great defensive typing, massive HP and good SpD, with recovery thanks to Rest, Leftovers and the potential to use moves with Sleep Talk is one of the toughest Pokemon to take down in the game. So your teambuilding will need to primarily be with Lance in mind.

A Ghost type is a fantastic choice, as they are immune to Snorlax and are great pivots into Bruno. Gengar, Ninetales, Misdreavus and Thick Club Marowak will do really well here.

A Fighting type like Machamp, Typhlosion or Heracross also helps a lot with Karen, Koga's Lapras, Bruno's Tauros and Lance's Snorlax. Heracross also can potentially do well against Will with paralysis support and easily defeat Koga's Hypno.

A Pokemon that can tank Aerodactyl's STAB combination is a must. Steelix is the perfect counter here, Skarmory does great and most Steel types can deal with it, like Scizor for instance or Foretress if you have HP Steel on it.

A Psychic type is very helpful here as well due to two of the four league members being weak to it. Espeon or Alakazam are the best choices, I'd say. For a tankier Pokemon Slowking or Slowbro can also do well, especially with them being Water types and a lot of Pokemon in the Pokemon League being weak to it. Water types can thrive here, Blastoise is great as I've shown, but Pokemon like Starmie, Tentacruel or Feraligatr can also do well.

Also make sure you have both Sleep and Paralysis support. Paralyzing the fastest Pokemon the opponents have can be a game changer and putting Curse sweepers to Sleep is the best way to safely stop them. Meganium is great here with part Dragon typing and Powder moves.

Will: 0:00
Koga: 6:12
Bruno: 11:52
Karen: 17:23
Champion Lance: 23:26

All Comments (7)
  • @whoknows1726
    My Team would be iksbat, golem, Nine tails, feraligtar, Scheroz. Electabuzz Would be extremly happy to Hear your opinion.
  • @user-io3ty3vj9p
    I am just about to hit Mt Mortar. I’m at the point of really trying to round down my team and I’m having trouble given that the new typings are kind of unknown. My biggest concern is my water choice and another support type for the team in general. As of now my team is Typhlosion, Ampharos, Espeon, Quagsire, Persian and Golem. Looking to eventually replace Persian and maybe Quagsire idk
  • @ClaptonsWig
    Found a bug in game but not sure if only for delta emulator: having fast forward and holding B at same time, you can’t use B on main story menu. Can use it for everything else fine and dandy, just not to close out menu. If you go into your bag and scroll down past Cancel, it will soft lock the game and your progress is gone
  • @MegasXRL
    I’m on Clair right now but i think i’ll try the league with this team: Aerodactyl Golem Machamp Meganium Blastoise Gengar I’ve also alakazam, ampharos, charizard, arcanine, venosaur, pidgeot, suicune, hypno, articuno, gyarados.. all of them next to level cap so leveling up a little bit is easy Any tips on the team?
  • @MegasXRL
    I’m finally on Elite 4 Man that victory road was tough had to go to elm’s lab heal my pokemon after every battle God bless fast forward on emulators I’ll try to beat them with that team like i’ve said Blastoise Meganium Aerodactyl Golem Machamp Gengar Lets see what happens
  • @MegasXRL
    I’ve finally managed to beat them with my team (golem, Aerodactyl, machamp, meganium, blastoise and Gengar) Will was very easy, golem killed like 3/4 of his pokes and aerodactyl beat the rest Koga was a fair fight used the entire team Bruno too, but Golem and Aerodactyl beat a good amount of them Karen was a good match. On the final of the fight i was only with machamp against her tyranitar and 0 pp left for cross chop or dynamicpunch, machamp was at 135 hp and tiranitar hit with earthquake. I got to 40hp, killed him in submission and the match end in a tie LOL I’ve used save state like 10 times and always died from that submission move so i need to restart the match Then i proceed to beat her Lance was a good fight I’ve used the entire team and a bit of save states on the start I’ll try another run someday without any save state. But most of them were used because i didn’t used the best moves against my enemies, i’m not the best pokemon maniac and the changes on types you’ve made sometimes makes our choices feels dumb But anyway that was a pretty solid experience. Now i’ll move to post game content One question: if I beat elite four another time before any kanto gyms does they will have another level cap? Or that will lock the rematches from Johto? Should i try elite four again only after Beating Blue?