Amazing Spiderman #26 is Nonsense

Published 2023-05-31
The moment has arrived! Marvel Comics' Amazing Spiderman 26 is here! We were promised the most shocking event in Spidey's history. Does it deliver?

All Comments (10)
  • @Jimboh1637
    I think the word Contrived would fit this issue and this whole run better.
  • @Konnik92
    This run is a mess, a sick joke to Spider-Man fans. For over a year they've been taunting us with the question "What did Peter do?" And the answer was "nothing". I got this feeling that the comics started with one specific direction to follow, but after the backlash from fans (from understanding where this leads) they made a sharp turn tobsomewhere else, trying to "sweep it under the rug" somehow, but failed.
  • @sird2333
    Just read the issue. To quote Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse 5, So it goes……
  • Ive always wondered what kind of writing class or lessons these new writers were given for them to call themselves professional writers. I have a 14 year old nephew who could write circles around these new writers.
  • @maxdubs222
    Zeb wells just tanking amazing Spider-Man it’s wild
  • @jazzmazz9214
    You could have actually done something with Ms Marvel if you'd built up maybe a mentor dynamic between her and Peter. Maybe using his experience to help a younger hero could have been one of the things that helped Peter regain the confidence to get back on his feet. Maybe her death isn't the result of a stupid fake out, but due to her acting on advice that Peter gave her around heroism during their time together. But no, she's just there to die randomly. She has no bearing on any of the characters who surrounded her as she died. Hell, Miles and Kamala are really close friends, and he's nowhere to be found. If your going to have a spider-man story about the death of Ms Marvel, it shouldn't center the Spiderman who barely knows her. Its a flop on every level.
  • @Giggles_iJest
    I don't get why fans aren't calling this rendition of Spidey "Spider-Cuck" Honestly
  • @TevyaSmolka
    This book is so bad and a complete trainwreck that its not fun anymore and frankly I have reached my breaking point with this garbage which is just sad because Spidey is my guy and I am tired of seeing him keep getting treated like garbage at least in my opinion.
  • @bombermanefx
    This comic is laughable bad. While there are some good parts it comes few and far between. Paul is revealed as Rabbin in his world but having MJ compare him to Peter is just wrong. Peter uses his regrets and suffering to help people while Paul is just a cynical a**hole we saw that when he suggested he and MJ leave those kids behind. But the at least we know now the kids were illusions and this may push that turns Paul into the new Emissary and hopefully causes Peter and MJ get back together again. But I won't know for a while, I am going to take a break from ASM till December. Hopefully the story will advance by then because this whole Mystery Box style of writing is really frustrating. Say what you want about Nick Spencer I'd rather have a Slow Burn style of story then a Mystery Box.