Published 2021-11-24
SHALOM brothers and sisters in christ am privileged again to share with you my rapture dream i received from the Holy spirit.
Recently I have been groaning in my spirit asking God to show me how close we are to the rapture of the church. The reason why I was asking God is that I wanted to start dating for marriage n God has been positive about my idea through  financial support and guidance which has brought confusion in my spirit.

So I was asking myself why would Jesus christ say he coming very soon n again be in my support of dating and marriage when he is soon taking his church.

So on November 19 friday 2021, God answers me through adream I received .
My dream starts when am at a political rally and president yoweri kaguta museveni and his cabinet giving a speech to his supporters telling them that he wants to be president again and that he seeks for another term, for your information, to all those listening to this dream president museveni is the current president of uganda and was recently sworn into power this year in January 2021. And elections are always after five years.
Back to my dream , after the rally i start moving home and realised I was with my step mom on the same street back home.
Suddenly the sky changed as if  it was coming to rain with dark clouds and then the sky opened with abig white tunnel of light leading to the heavens. Then as the sky opened I noticed that my body had started floating up to the heavens leaving behind my step mum through the roof top and the the dream ended.

In conclusion now one knows the day or the hour but  we have  been given chance to discern the seasons.
Matthew 24:32-33 (KJV)  Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
The rapture of the church may happen in a period of five years from now so repent and turn away from your sins, Jesus christ is coming soon.

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