C.S. Lewis Disproves Evolution | Mere Christianity

Published 2024-05-21
C.S. Lewis discusses two views about the universe: the materialist and the religious. The materialist view suggests that matter and space have always existed without purpose, resulting in life by chance. The religious view posits that a conscious, purposeful mind created the universe to produce beings with minds. Science, which relies on observation and experimentation, cannot answer why the universe exists or if there is something beyond observable facts. Humans uniquely perceive a moral law, suggesting an underlying influence. This perception implies a directing force in the universe, which may not be a traditional deity but hints at a conscious, purpose-driven power. Lewis also critiques the Life-Force philosophy, which blends evolution with purpose without the moral implications of a deity, offering comfort without accountability.

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All Comments (7)
  • Cs Lewis was an old earth creationist who explicitly stated he accepted evolution in the Problem of Pain
  • @stones2931
    Where to find the rest of this audition?
  • This is mistitled. He was simply stating that science does not answer the question “is there a god?”
  • Lewis said he wasn't interested in denying the theory of evolution as believed by practicing biologists.
  • @davidmyers5767
    Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins not cw Lewis