Can Indonesia Become the Next Asian Power?

Published 2022-09-17
Indonesia is a major power in the South East Asian sphere. It is the fourth most populated country and acts as a manufacturing hub for the region. But can it go global? What problems does Indonesia face against the future.

#h0ser #indonesia #history

All Comments (21)
  • I think like India, Indonesia has a lot of potential. However, it has a lot of obstacles to overcome and it must also maintain its democratic institutions which are still pretty young.
  • @orckydorkyyy
    Honestly I’m fine with Indonesia becoming a power. they don’t threaten any countries like China. And they have good relations with a lot of countries. So honestly good for Indonesia.
  • @BlightCosmos
    As a filipino, I am rooting for Indonesia becoming a new power
  • @GaryHField
    As a Filipino, I'm extremely proud of our Austronesian brothers and sisters down there. Our seafaring race would now have something to be proud of. Love and respect, from the Philippines. πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨
  • We passed 1945, 1965, and 1998 without the Balkanization happening. What kind of event would break up Indonesia if the invasion, genocide, or economic crisis didn't work? Sometimes westerners can't accept the concept that together in differences is highly possible to happen.
  • As an Indonesian, the situation of secession could be happening if things were to go wrong but for now, our sense of Indonesian identity is stronger than regional identity. We usually don't view things in a concrete A or B, whether it's culture, languages, and ethnic backgrounds. Chinese Indonesians will see themselves more as an Indonesian rather than Chinese, ask a Minang/Batak/Ambon/Manado/Bali/etc. person, they will reply they are Indonesian first then their background (ofc if u are a foreigner asking). I personally am kinda fed up with the whole idea that regionalism is still stronger than a nationalist identity because throughout my experience talking with many different people from different backgrounds, they are really friendly and identify themselves as Indonesian. Of course, things will look differently if we talk about religion and Papua issues but overall, Indonesia is more united than ever and will continue to be more and more united in the near future.
  • As a Filipino dude Indonesia is almost everything I wish my country could be (excpet for the 'x' times more islands and and even more vast) but cannot afford to do so due to our own different geographi and historical circumstances to be able to be "that country everybody is chill with": β€’ because they're not directly in between two powerful countries trying to use their country as a base to influnce/ manipulate/ or just plain strangle the hell out of the other country; β€’ not living in a very high-maintenance geographic location were food production is always getting limited by typhoons no matter how fertile the soil is, infrastructure getting "reset buttoned" by earthquakes as much as in the Philippines; β€’ the colonizers not generally shoving their faith and their lifestyle to the locals' face so they get to keep their own original culture and not antagonize eachother (Mindanao); β€’ and can live normally being themselves and not constantly & toxically trying be "one with the cOoL kIdZ in the block" like trying to be western and having a woke "protagonism complex" (tryna feel like the bida/good guys of a movie) even though we can't afford to and should'nt really be doing so in the first place (although this helps our tourism industry but sometimes the attention seeking backfires at times). It would be interesting for Indonesia to be a regional power that the Philippines can live along with since they are a lot more chill and would like to see itself "helping & hanging out with its long lost cousin" (compared to the two powerful countries trying to influence my country and always tends to think that the world revolves around them), but Indonesia is also a HUUUUUGE economic competitor because whatever the Philippines have, Indonesia terrifyingly has it like 4x even more (export crops, rice terraces, manufacturing, & more exotic culture for tourism, etc.) But I don't want the Philippines to go toxic on its cousin, so my country naturally (sometimes toxically) needs to seek trade and attention elsewhere for its own & everybody's good. Hello austronesian cousins! 😊
  • @mmjjnn0
    as a half indonesian and knowing that literally the world has high expectation towards the country is really overwhelming.... we have a lot of things to improve.. i think we're not ready to be the center of attention yet haha too much pressure
  • @n25783
    I will always be amazed at the sheer amount of languages that exist in indonesia
  • Well, Timor wasn't originaly indonesian, instead it got independence from Portugal and was annexed/invaded by Indonesia, but I got the point in the video
  • @TheRealEncy
    As In Indonesian, Traveling In Other Part Indonesia Is Like Entering Another Country, Every Vehicle Is Different, The City Look Different, Like Everything Will Almost Look Different.
  • @zephdo2971
    A win for Indonesia is a victory for ASEAN! Together we rise as one
  • The emphasis on separatism is far from accurate though. Those flags the video showed bearing the names "Minahasa, Batak, Dayak, Flores" are completely fictional. I'm a Minahasan Christian, AND INDONESIAN, and I've never seen that flag bearing the name of my ethnic group before. The only separatist movement that exists or had existed are the Papua and Maluku ones. The Maluku was already defeated, and there has never been any more uprisings or issues leading to seccession. I think when foreigners (especially Europeans) look at Indonesia at a glance, and see that we have a lot of things to differentiate between ourselves, they tend to think of the worst is to come. But as a matter of fact, the opposite is true. We are proud of our ethnic backgrounds and we are proud Indonesians. We accept, understand, and are proud of our diversity; and the fact that we are able to coexist, cooperate, and even assimilate in tolerance is a God-given grace. We are grateful for it, we are grateful to be born Indonesian
  • @CalvinNoire
    Very good points, but you seem to have failed to understand Indonesian nationalism, and you put it in a European perspective, where ethnics are the root of nationalism. From your perspective, states like Russia and India won't exist. We can all agree here that the root of Indonesia's problem is corruption and other stuff, not ethnic differences (well maybe not west Papua but you get what I'm trying to say here). No hate to you though you are very good!
  • @ChenLiYong
    Just a correction: the β€œnew guinea” is not Indonesia. The island is divided into 2: - Papua - Papua New Guinea Papua is in Indonesia. Papua New Guinea is different country, sharing same island.
  • @gregtriplex5878
    sebagai warga Indonesia saya sebenarnya khawatir jika Indonesia menjadi super power. dan itu tidak akan mungkin. karena kami bukan negara yang gemar berperang atau invasionis. kami hanya berharap menjadi negara yang makmur dan damai, tidak perlu menjadi negara super power. tidak perlu menjadi ancaman bagi negara lain. itu saja
  • @letheas6175
    I like Indonesia so much, much love from the Netherlands (yes, the things we did were bad, but I honestly feel so welcomed by Indonesian people and I cannot express how much that improved my life. Learning the language now and hope to visit soon) you are all amazing. Selamat Malam everyone :)
  • As an Indonesian, I want to explain some correction: 1) 3:49 It's not entirely true about food production is centered among coastline of 3 major Island, especially in Java. Here rice field is way deep into interior of the island. Northern part of Java island is mostly plain with some hills, having a most fertile soil in the country thanks to the volcanism nearby. For the island of Sumatra and Borneo, food production mainly nearby a river since a soil in deep interior isn't really good for planting rice (instead we planting palm oil there) 2) 6:45 By some account is still debated if Majapahit really conquered Nusantara archipelago. Other theory explain if Majapahit mainly used diplomatic power to having control overseas (by having an allies, or vassal states) since they don't even manage to conquered their neighbour in the backyard a.k.a Sundanese (though they manage to conquered Bali with military force) 3) 15:05 Is incorrect to calling inhabitants of Java as "Javanese", they're one of major ethnic mainly living in Central & Eastern Java. There's other major ethics living there need to be considered: Sundanese, Betawi, Maduranese, and other smaller one. Sundanese and Betawi mainly live in Western Java (while Maduranese living in Eastern Java alongside with Javanese) 4) 16:20 Java-centric (by politics and national development) is one of the root that giving rise of separatism here. Usually they're mad due to giving lots of resources to the central goverment but gain only a little. From few separatist movement we managed to solved 2 of them: Free Timor Timur (by giving them Independence as it should be) and GAM/Free Aceh Movement (by giving them more autonomy and all GAM leaders agreed with that in 2005) 5) 16:40 Well honestly that's a real legitimacy of current Indonesian territory: being a successor of Dutch East Indies. Though our education said we're successor of Majapahit Empire as well as their legitimacy (this actually inherited from Budi Utomo's idea about Indonesian nationalism, which actually embrace Javanese imperialism)
  • @NorroTaku
    +1 for marble machine music this fits the channel so well