
Published 2023-10-07
Hi Guys!!!
This video introduces the process of making the strongest paper in Japan. Paper used in the restoration of the Louvre Museum.

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▶Craftsman Profile
Kurotani Japanese Paper Association
Kurotani Washi preserves the traditions and techniques of papermaking that have been handed down over 800 years in the Kurotani region. Kurotani Washi is recognized by the government as the "strongest paper in Japan," and a variety of products are produced using this characteristic. Among them, scarves made from washi are light, strong, and comfortable to the touch, and are highly recommended.

▶Craftsman Passion
"We make honest paper."
Throughout our long history, we have always kept this thought in mind. We make and finish each sheet of paper by hand, putting our heart and soul into it.
We do the obvious things carefully, step by step. This attitude has never changed and will never change.
We have always been uncompromisingly committed to honesty and authenticity.

Please enjoy watching the Japanese craftsmanship!!!!

▶Contact: [email protected]

© 2022 Suigenkyo Ltd. All rights reserved.

#process #crafts #papercraft #craftsman #japan #craftsmanship #making #japanese #kyoto

00:00 Introduction
00:18 Raw Material
00:49 Steaming
01:48 Peeling off the bark
02:19 Cleaning the bark
03:41 Drying
05:04 Boiling
05:50 Removing a foreign object
06:34 Loosening the fibers
07:54 Making a paper
09:34 Drying
10:31 Quality inspection
10:48 Making a stole
11:38 Finished produc

All Comments (21)
  • You can get this product from the link below! suigenkyo.store/products/japanese-paper-stole-unbl… 10% off coupon "SUIGENKYO10" Product Name: Japanese Paper / Stole / Unbleached Discription: This stole is made by cutting Kurotani washi (Japanese Paper) into thin strips and weaving twisted paper threads together with silk threads. The raw material used for the washi is mainly Kouzo (paper mulberry). By processing it by hand, the natural strength is not lost, and each sheet of washi is carefully handmade in the traditional way, making it strong and supple. Please note that there may be slight differences in color and shape because each piece is made by hand. The strongest paper in Japan!? Kurotani Washi is very strong and has the feature of being hard to tear even if you put a lot of force on it. Strong and tear-resistant, and suitable for long-term preservation. This tough washi is indispensable in daily life and has been used for lanterns, Japanese umbrellas, shoji screens, and packaging since ancient times. It has been recognized by the government as the strongest paper in Japan. Cautions for washing Because it is handmade washi, it is subject to color fading and thread breakage when washed. If washing is necessary, please use a neutral detergent, separate from other items, and soak and wash at room temperature to 30℃ for a short time. Please refrain from rubbing and tumbler drying.
  • @mndlessdrwer
    In case anyone is curious what those roots were for: they are pounded and the liquid is extracted and used for both starch and the mucilaginous properties to aid in suspending the mulberry plant fibers in the pulp bath while also promoting their binding once the excess liquid drains off. Washi, or mulberry paper, really does behave more akin to a non-woven fabric rather than a conventional paper, though it can be made with additional starch and mineral agents to stiffen it so it feels more like conventional paper.
  • 62年ほど前、楮の皮むきしてお小遣い貰ってとても嬉しかったです。 今は、南米で、住んでいます。 故郷は高知県です。
  • @mk321632163216
  • @user-db8ve2ku1m
    細かく根気のいる作業を担う女性の職人さんの姿に、心惹かれました。 有難うございました。
  • @user-hm6tr4or3m
    和紙の原料で有名な楮。 紙漉きはニュースで見かけるけど、なかなか見られない行程が見られてある意味感動です。
  • @user-os2iq6uh6z
    紙漉きの職人もそうだけど、道具職人も居なくなってきてるから結構ギリギリの産業なんですよね… 私の故郷も製紙業が盛んなのですが、やはり手漉きは廃れてきてしまいました。 どうしても機械漉きの方が早くて安価だし、手漉き和紙が活躍する場も限られているので仕方ないところはありますが…子供の頃に見学でお邪魔させて頂いた製紙所も畳んでしまったり寂しい気持ちが大きいです。 でもこうして手漉きしている光景が見られて、何だか懐かしい気持ちになれました。
  • @diGritz1
    Labor intense is an understatement. When this and crafts like it disappear we become a throw away world.
  • Достойно уважения. Тяжёлый труд, всё время фактически в холодной воде.
  • @haru1355.
    木から紙 紙から布へと変化するのは不思議な事だと思う 丈夫な紙にするって考えは日本では昔から続く問題だから書けたら良いなんて事では終わらない 書いて次の世代に見せる事が大切だと考える日本だからこそ出来る技術なのかも 丈夫であり柔らかくそして美しい いつ完成できるかは分からない事だけど完成出来る事を期待している
  • @BigboiiTone
    Every step in this process has doubtless been reflined by the hard, skilled work of the previous generations. Thank you for showing us.
  • @daniarvi
    Life is a trip. Here I am sitting on my couch in America, while watching how these folks make paper in Japan. I hope in my next life I can reside in Japan and make paper. You have my gratitude for Sharing this with us.
  • @user-ri9he6es4z
  • @user-yz9wi2cd5w
  • @user-hf5bw4so7p
    Спасибо за интересное видео! Как много надо тяжелого ручного труда для изготовления палантина! Это целое произведение искусства, гимн трудовому человеку!
  • @Illisil
    I have always admired the quiet discipline and dedication of the Japanese. I wish I could be just like them.
  • @Tracy-xe9zu
    I can't help but be distracted by those little wooden bridges crossing the canal; the lack of railings makes me worried for those elderly women potentially falling off
  • @cosmodesant
    уважаю ручной труд, обожаю японию за бережное отношение к истории и культуре! они сохраняют свою культуру веками
  • @rajulucbg7220
    Really you're doing very sincere & fine work. Very glad & interesting video. Thank you all ..
  • @Yukihuru
    作業風景と音がとても心地良いです。 素敵な映像でした。