Deploying Strapi to DigitalOcean

Published 2022-02-23

All Comments (21)
  • @bricenuzzo7747
    Perfect ! Exactly what I needed right now ! Could you make a part 2 with the storage configuration ? Like on S3 or Spaces ? Great work !
  • @JaimitoAleman
    BRILLIANTLY DONE! I have followed many broken Strapi Guides that were most likely written for older versions of Strapi. This is the ONLY one that has worked for me. Thank you!
  • Best guide out there. Especially the configuration of the variables on the DO side.
  • @netsdj
    Thanks for posting this, I really needed it! Please post how to configure an asset provider 🙏
  • Nice video. You made a statement that when pushing a new commit or server needs to scale, there is no guarantee that the storage space will retain your files like images , videos and the likes and they recommend setting up a third party assets provider like AWS3. And promised to make a video but nothing from you yet since February. Devs who are new to strapi need such videos.
  • Please can you guys add a video on how to setup the digital ocean space storage for strapi
  • Thank you very much for this tutorial. With so many Strapi tutorials that just don't work, I was hoping that this one would be different and decided to copy each step of your process, including exactly the same DO resources. While the Build process was successful (the log said "Build successful" at the end and the status badge was green) I was disappointed to see "Deploy Error: Non-Zero Exit Code" in the Deploy process. I couldn't find anything in DO's help on that particular error. Any tip would be appreciated. Furthermore, on the Strapi v4 docs website, there is a tip in the Digitalocean deployment section saying "The $5/mo plan is currently unsupported as Strapi will not build with 1G of RAM. At the moment, deploying the Strapi Admin interface requires more than 1g of RAM. Therefore, a minimum standard Droplet of $10/mo or larger instance is needed.". In your video, you are using 1GB configuration so that's another confusing moment. Is 1GB enough for the Admin interface or is it not? Thank you again for your time and effort in creating this video. Cheers.
  • @JaimitoAleman
    What plugin do you recommend for the 3rd Party Asset Provider? Their Marketplace is lacking anything in that area.
  • @franklanzc
    Hi, tanks for the tutorial.. i have a question.. when the app is created on digitalocean the app must be create the mysql database inside ? or must be connected to another ip with database created?
  • @ron-almog
    Nice. What about a development cycle? how do I work locally, test stuff, then push to production? can I work on the local with local db, and push to production? what will happen to the db changes? what about db migrations when we decide on schema changes and there is already data? can I have test and/or qa environment and move changes along between these environments? local>dev>qa>production? thank you.
  • @Marcin-Pilat
    Any clue, what is the difference for Strapi v4 between connecting to the dev database and managed databases on DO App? 3 days ago I have moved from dev db to managed db on DO, and all deployments start to fail. On the dev db it works just fine.
    when i install via docker it always install version 3.6 of strapi..upgrade for some reason throws errors? Any fix?
  • @d.koshkarev
    Hi. Please help! How do I create a folder with a ready-made project Starpi to upload to my hosting via ftp? If I use "strapi build" and upload the contents of the build folder to the hosting via ftp, then nothing works. However, many other products work in a similar way. For example Nuxt JS
  • @AlexisSniffer
    the images are deleted when doing redeploy. any solution?
  • @voloshin_a
    Where can I find your current documentation?
  • @rwlc
  • @ldstudio3044
    Hello team Thank you so much for this video. I would like to ask you a question regarding strapi please. After watching your video, I created a strapi project to keep user profiles (name and profile picture) I managed this project on a server from digitalOcean (paid plan). the app works great! but after a few hours strapi automatically erase my media type data (profile picture). Could you tell me if you have ever encountered this kind of problem please. Thank you beforehand.
  • Note: When I attempted the method of deployment, the charge was $24, whereas when deploying to a droplet, it costs $12. I presume this is because they are using slightly different services. Setting up a droplet is a lot more involved, but Digital Ocean do have a guide for it.