Stop Gum Disease with These Brushing Techniques

Published 2023-05-02
In this video, we'll show you some easy tooth brushing techniques that can help you stop gum disease.

Gum disease is a common problem that can cause toothache, tooth loss and more. By using these tooth brushing techniques, you can stop gum disease in its tracks and enjoy healthy teeth for years to come! Watch this video and start brushing your teeth like a pro!
This is the most effective treatment against gum disease, and its almost FREE!

As gum disease progresses, then the way that you brush your teeth will need to change, this video will explain how to brush effectively if you have early or moderate gum disease.

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All Comments (21)
  • Sir, I wish there were more dentists like you educating their patients in the US.
  • @tommyh4116
    I would also recommend sea salt diluted in water to clean an infection. Worked great for me during lockdown.
  • I love the way you speak. Now I know how to brush my teeth after 70 years now.
  • @gapmichael
    This guy is a dental genius and I appreciate him so much. Thank you!
  • @Gamvrelis
    I started using your brushing technique close to three months ago. At the same time limited flossing to removing food fibre that is stuck. I also started using the toothpaste Himalaya Botanique (mint and contains xylitol) and reduced my fresh fruit consumption significantly. This past week went for a dental cleaning followed by a checkup by my dentist. He was amazed how healthy my gums have become — he said “best checkup ever, and keep doing what your doing”. This brushing technique is powerfully effective — thank you!
  • @Goodhello369
    Not a single US dentist has ever recommended a tiny brush like mentioned here. I just tried my mother in laws for first time overseas. Im totally sold. My gums immediately felt better.
  • For a long time I really tried very very hard to up my game at cleaning my teeth daily. I flossed twice a day, gurgled with water after meals or beverages, brushed my teeth daily but I still got quite a bit of tartar build up even though I saw my dental hygienist four times a year. I got very discouraged because it felt like the hygienist as well as my other dentist were doubting my efforts. I felt so frustrated because I was really trying very hard. Then another dentist suggested I bought a Sonic electric toothbrush when I lamented to him. I never believed in one. I loved the manual toothbrush BUT I took his advice. Game changer. Ever since I started using one, I don't get tartar build up anymore, if any, it is very minimal now. In the am, I just use a manual toothbrush with some toothpaste. In the pm, I usually just use it on my teeth thoroughly without toothpaste (because over-brushing using toothpaste can erode enamel) after flossing, then apply a pea sized toothpaste and brush a second time. My hygienist is so impressed this time saying there was hardly any tartar. And now I just get to see him once in four months instead of three. I am so thankful for the electric toothbrush!
  • @blissfulmountain
    This video popped up on my recommendations and I decided to check it out. My parents taught me to brush my teeth just like this! I’ve never had cavities or gum disease. Thanks to my parents for teaching me!
  • I am a 66 year old female and developed periodontal disease following having a total hysterectomy 20 years ago after being diagnosed with endometrial cancer. This type of cancer is an estrogen driven cancer so following my hysterectomy I could not take hormone replacement therapy which contributed to my overall bone loss which included my dental bones. Despite my excellent home hygiene I could not halt the progress of my periodontal disease so I opted to have periodontal laser surgery. As the years progressed despite my excellent home hygiene and getting my teeth cleaned by the hygenist 4 x a year my pocketing and additional bone loss recurred. After years of self research and trying all types if products and appliances, I finally found a regimen that has halted the progress of my periodontal disease. I don't think the products I use to brush, floss and rinse with are the main key to my success, but they do prepare a clean gum and teeth surface for what I think really is the key to my success which is the application of Manuka honey which I apply to my gums after I complete my cleaning regimen. Manuka honey has superb antimicrobial properties, and as a now retired R.N. we used Manuka honey in the hospital to treat festering infected wounds that did not respond to to other therapies with pretty good success. And since starting to use Manuka honey on my gum tissue my gums are pink, tight, and have increased in depth, and additionally I have not developed dental carries from using the honey. Manuka honey is expensive, but a little which I use a tiny bit on the tip of a teaspoon 2 x a day goes a long way. And pure raw Manuka honey does not require refrigeration and has an exceptionally long shelf life. Manuka honey will likely not bring back the gum tissue and bone loss I have already experienced, but I am pretty sure it is helping maintain what I have left.
  • @paulhoward1493
    Simple straightforward information, no jargon and very clear. Thank you 🙏🏼
  • @Raina430
    Thank you so much, this is fantastic. The AMAZING thing that is NEVER mentioned, is the one thing that totally changed my teeth and gum health. PLAQUE DISCLOSING TABLETS OR DROPS. I was 65 years old before I had to realize this for myself. No Dentist told me though I practically begged for better information. You cannot clean what you cannot see. I have now lost 12 teeth, all of my back teeth and I feel so bad because I spent a fortune on getting my teeth fixed. I figured this out for myself. I use all the things you’re talking about and I use lots of little brushes and rubber picks where the brushes won’t get in between the teeth. I just want to shout this from the rooftops, to tell people about plaque disclosing tablets and drops. ❤
  • @Fit524
    Wow, this video is a game-changer! I've been struggling with gum disease for years, but these brushing techniques have given me hope. The step-by-step instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the results are remarkable. My gums feel healthier and stronger already. Thank you for sharing this valuable information and empowering us to take control of our oral health. I can't wait to incorporate these techniques into my daily routine. To anyone dealing with gum disease, don't hesitate to watch this video and implement these techniques. It could make a world of difference in your dental health. Keep up the great work
  • @jimthechaosbunny
    Thank you. I've been looking for a really good video on brushing technique, and this is the most helpful one I've found, especially the bit about pocketing - nobody else even mentioned that!
  • @jasminescloset2021
    wow such a useful video, i worked for a private dentist previously and it totally traumatised me🤦🏽‍♀️ i suffer from gum disease and pockets and had never heard about the corsodyl technique before. Thank you so much for sharing this , new subscriber ☺️
  • @PocketSunlight
    Beautifully explained - knowledge is power. I wish the dentists had explained this clearly early on in my treatment. Would undoubtedly have saved needless visits to the dentist to prevent things worsening
  • God bless you for caring for people with not a lot of money I hope this works 🙏🏼
  • @pennychandler3059
    Thank you Dr., Since i watched your video, I have been using your brushing techniques. Things have improved dramatically. I live in Canada and ordered Corsodyl from British Essentials. Arrived yesterday. I have had 2 visits to the hygienist and am hoping to get things on track.
  • @psfca
    A year ago my hygienist recommended I see a periodontist along with using a gum stimulator... I had deep gum pockets measuring up to an 8 ! Didn't go to a periodontist but did use a gum stimulator daily and now the deepest pockets I have is a 4 with the majority of the pockets being a 2 or hygienist was so happy and now I don't have to spend time and money and pain on a periodontist 😊