3 days on board: my skate learning journey

Published 2024-01-18
after years of wanting to learn skateboarding, i finally bought one this year & this is my first video documenting three days of learning skateboarding (still a noob). enjoy! :))

All Comments (21)
  • @sebytheman
    love skating progress journeys, if you make it a series I will follow intently. Love your board ( mine is also orange deck+blue wheels! ) and great video production too.
  • @48peon
    Keep it going. You are doing well. Document/ record as you go. It's cool to record. I wish i had captured some of my early falls, including my early attempts on my drop ins. Every session is different. Some times after you progress, it's hard to be back at that beginning stage. Don't let anyone stop you from what your are doing. And, yes bend those knees.
  • @ElanaTee
    yay! great job getting out there and practicing in so many different places! i hope you're loving it :)
  • @ls.c.5682
    Enjoy your journey, it's a blast! I hope you manage to find and join a strong community too, that's half of it
  • @obi-juan3295
    Good luck on your journey to skateboarding. It’s really a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.
  • @neo19830901
    The Great Journey… BEGINS NOW!Enjoy it! great video! ^^
  • @macrodriguez8834
    That's whats up! I love this! Keep going, A Skateboarding journey in life is a thing of beauty. I will definitely be here for the ride. MUCH LOVE from Los Angeles Cali!
  • @IndyAdvant
    Tighten the trucks a bunch more, and keep the front truck a little looser than the back truck. Also replace the trucks and wheels when you can with low trucks (I like venture lows), and 54mm 97A wheels. Deck brands have different feels and angles to them, you should try as many brands as you can to see what dimensions feel the most right with you. Fun things to try, Practice running with your board in your hand and throwing it down and jumping on it as it comes down. Then try learning to stop by kicking the board up with your back food, to catch it in your hand while moving. Also look up powersliding videos! Good luck!
  • @BeyfighterFaris
    Hey, all the best on your skate journey. Get a set of pads, it'll boost your bravery by 50%. I highly recommend it. Don't be afraid to fall with it. Learning to fall is also essential in skateboarding
  • @jedimasterham2
    If I might make a recommendation. Practice visualizing skateboarding by watching skate videos. This has proven to be a means of actually building muscles related to the exercise/sport. I've tested this visualization with violin and skateboarding, and reason I can jump back into violin or hop back on a board after 10 years of not skating (which I did in 2022) and is due to regular visualization techniques.
  • @YouilAushana
    Dynamic warm up to begin and static stretches for after. Have fun and the more time spent in genuine flow state the more the changes will integrate.
  • @Plutioon
    If you are scared to be kidnapped i suggest you pick different places to skate at everytime you are going to record because there are such insane/evil and scary people online who would most likely recognize the place you are at and actually camp the place until you arrive and actually kidnap you, you never know, those 250 subs you got it only requires 1 of all of them to live where you live and recognize the places you go to, i don't really wanna make you paranoid by this message but if you are really feeling that you would get kidnapped then this might be something you should think about to always change your routines and times so it wont be so obvious, and also, nice video! goodluck with your skate journey and hopefully you will go far! EDIT: Also forgot to mention it would be good to let someone close relative to know where you are going to as well, so they know your "last location" so to speak.
  • @ForEveryRealOne
    keep up the good work! hope your content creating journey is an amazing one
  • @BlanketTruth22
    I have skated that graphic before! cool vlog. cant wait to see your first 360 flip. you may notice skating in the rain or letting it get wet too much takes its toll on the wood and bearings...but sometimes you just gotta do it.
  • @Ajaxthepunk
    I'm a Brazilian punk, I skate and go to college and I also really like practicing my English and other languages, your videos are a way to have fun and practice, I love your vlog videos, it reminds me of YouTube from 2016, without tiktok and other bad social networks :)
  • the editing is so my vibe! i really like the scenery (the street of the last day is really prettyyyyy thats how i wanna get my ac island to look) and perspectives and where the cuts are
  • @UncraftedPlays
    Doing great already! The best tip I can give you is to just ride, every single day, no matter what. Just go out and ride. You'll quickly become VERY comfortable riding your board!
  • @paular5380
    I just started learning too! Good luck :))) Highly recommend wearing at least wrist guards as a lot of people instinctively put our hands out when we fall!!