INSTANT PRISON ESCAPE CHALLENGE - PRISON ARCHITECT is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits !?!

Published 2020-07-16
Welcome to prison architect! The Greatest Prison Management Tycoon Simulator ever created. Not only can you create and manage your own prisons you can also escape from your own prisons or community designed prisons. In todays video we will be exploiting prison architect by doing the Instant prison escape challenge. We will be able to get out of some of the most complicated prisons simply by no clipping through the walls. So is prison architect a perfectly balanced game with no exploits. Or will the spiffing brit be able to use some video game exploits to Complete this Instant prison escape challenge. Today we will be playing on the new Island bound update and trying to escape Alcatraz! Spoilers its surprisingly easy!

What you have seen here today is part of a fantastic perfectly balanced series on youtube where I go from game to game and break them with wacky exploits to gain things like unlimited gold. If you enjoyed this then be sure to check out more. The style is similar to RT game and callmekevin in parts. A large influence on this series has come from Valefisk and The Killian Experience.

So sit back relax and enjoy this Prison Architect instant escape only challenge! How on earth can one english bugger beat A Prison simulator with the instant prison escape challenge!!

Majestic Merch:
Twitter: @thespiffingbrit

Title: INSTANT PRISON ESCAPE CHALLENGE - PRISON ARCHITECT is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits !?!

Last Prison Architect Video: Prison Architect IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Infinite Wardens Is Broken!!

#funny #Escape #Exploit

All Comments (20)
  • @obamagaming7909
    "hey you hear about the new prisoner?" "the one that broke every single shower head on his first day for no reason?" "yeah, that one" "what a badass" "damn I wish I were as cool as him"
  • @jeffhughes1318
    "The island is surrounded by water" - a surprisingly common feature of islands is that Spiff.
  • @robdom91
    - Hey, boss weren't you arrested like 4 hours ago? You went to prison! How are you already here, back at the hideout? - I escaped. - What? From The Rock? How?! - Well, it all started with me going in the showers and learning how to lunge...
  • @coconoisette
    Random inmate, pointing at another prisonner: Who's that? His friend: That's Tough Jeff, he was there for 20 years, you could say he rules the prison by now. He has been caught with weapons 637 times, started 28 riots and killed half a dozed guards. Random inmate: And that? His friend, shaking: That's Langdon, he arrived yesterday, we don't talk about him
  • @ArathirCz
    Punches few shower heads - reputation: god. Burns down entire prison with one lighter - reputation: +1. :)
  • @geoffjones2379
    "If you dont vote you go to prison"....good thing im watching how to break out LOOL
  • @NyxInfernal
    I like to imagine Spiff looking for stock images and typing things like: "Clown in suit", "Boomer with computer and hands up", "Fedora man winking", oh and we can't forget "Gamer guy screaming/angry" and it always makes me laugh for some reason.
  • Spiff: Failure to vote will get you sent to prison. Also Spiff: shows how to obtain godly powers and scape prison
  • @Nota-Skaven
    "the island is surrounded by water!" - Sir Spiff Co The Magnificent compared to those islands surrounded by land 3:08
  • @atomiclight8574
    Local spiffy man arrested for showing people how to break out of prison. UPDATE: He has escaped!
  • The difference between the two DLC is that the Psych Ward was originally developed by Double 11 for the Xbox version of the game, and then ported to PC while Introversion still had the game. It is very well done, even if it has some very minor issues, but the Island DLC was made by Paradox right after they bought the IP, which is why it's far more expensive, rushed, and full of errors. The problems you're showing off are all things Paradox introduced because they hamfisted new content into the game despite not being familiar with the code. The escape mode is however not the focus of the game, which is also why it's so utter broken. Paradox has added a bunch of stuff, much of it pointless, to the game, along with a ton of bugs and bad decisions, and for a long time it wasn't possible to play it all without constant crashes
  • @mistprowen3157
    I love how his review is still the top review on the DLC's store page and has several hundred steam awards
  • @Lawgamer411
    PRISONS HATE HIM! Learn how ONE MAN escaped prison in ONLY 4 HOURS.
  • Spiff: Wants a raid sponsor Me: Of course they won't sponsor you, you will find some way to exploit the game
  • Spiff: Shows a clip of spiff phasing through walls at the beginning of the video Also spiff: which one am I going to do, 2 other options or phasing through walls.
  • @gperrin9050
    Prison Guard: He phased through the wall Warden: He phased through the wall!? Prison Guard: look out of the window Warden: *looks*My God! He's running about 200mph!
  • @Earlington421
    Theory: The spiffing brit actually owns Yorkshire tea and his whole channel is an advertisement
  • @corvette68
    "The island is surrounded by water" -Spiff 2020
  • @bobbilder9967
    About 5:40 The shower thing is all about prison rep itself not damage.... Most fights in prison are generally done in the shower areas (less guards) so i'm assuming thats what the devs had in mind, People starting fights during shower time 🤷‍♂