How to CRUSH MULTIWAY Pots!!!!!!!!!!

Published 2024-02-16
Learning how to play multiway is extremely important for small stakes cash games & tournaments! Many low stakes players are passive, limping and calling a lot, causing tons of pots to go multiway.

Even thought it's very common, small stakes players make huge mistakes in these situations. Overvaluing marginal hands, staying in with weak draws, and then not getting max value when you make the nuts. In this video, I'll give you my best tips to crush in multiway pots!

Part 1: Preflop Multiway Strategies
Part 2: Postflop Multiway Strategies
Part 3: Multiway Solver Examples

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All Comments (18)
  • @davidoberry5309
    I remember when ppl used to think q10 off was a good hand. I miss those days.
  • @danweaver5787
    I don’t mind playing multi way in cash games because if they make low ev plays an hit I can always get it back. In tournaments it can get frustrating tho lol
  • These sims and advice are super useful for games with semi-reasonable players. The reason solver does a lot of checking and small bets is it thinks it's in the pot with two tight 8-15% ranges. However a lot of live splashy games the 2 callers have like 35-50% of hands minus the premiums and are also super sticky postflop with marginal made hands. Just wondering what my range is supposed to do under those conditions?
  • @supertequila
    Way to little multi way solutions out there so I really do appreciate this content. A lot of wow-moments. I realize I have been giving away money all the time. Gotta be a lot more boring to play live poker though, when I now understand that I have to fold a shit lot more hands preflop. But it is what it is, I guess. Thanks for the content.
  • @bodatajson3432
    Can you please tell witch program do you use for multiway postflop calculations?
  • huh. actually quite a bit wider than I imagined, especially the range that BB continues after SB calls the cbet on J86. Looks like I made a blunder last night folding AQhh on Ac7s4c2c after SB donked for pot OTF and barrelled half pot OTT
  • @qsdailydose8970
    KK six ways the other day decent flop I bet small two callers bet 1/2 pot turn on scary card should I just check fold here ?
  • @MyPokerCoaching
    What's the #1 mistake you see in small stakes cash games and tournaments?
  • @marksimpson2321
    This is Jonathan Little's content but not his website. Is this pirated material? If so, I hope it gets removed.
  • @SoulfightPoker
    Something in the video made me think about it this way - Imagine youre playing against 1 opponent but that opponent gets 3-4 different hands. You're going to have to play tighter and not win nearly as many pots post flop, but when you do make a strong hand, there's 3-4 extra calls worth of money in the pot. @MyPokerCoaching Could you link a chart in the same set up for a range like HJ v LJ? where I assume there's significantly less calling since especially in these games we'll likely be OOP post flop.
  • The main issue I see with the multiway solver strategy is people are already too passive heads up. Like Mr. Little says " It is your responsibility to put money in the pot, they aren't going to do it for you". Even if you have to donk 1 or 2 BB better to do it and have people behind you raise to push others out the pot. I think if you make your donk 1/3 of the bet you actually want to make size, then the standard raise will be the bet you want to make. Hopefully you will have a caller or 2 pinched between you and the raiser. Multiway pots are dicey, so if you don't have a near nutted hand, let it go and let other people fight for it.
  • @pot_kivach160
    8:47 How can Q7 hand be stronger than pocket AA, KK, QQ on this board (Ts7s5d) against 2 opponents?
  • @coryaw95
    13:30 why is pocket Aces not going all-in? And why is pocket aces not available at 16:00?
  • @danielhenry6777
    if you say loosey goosey you got to put eating a sandwich with it.