In memory of Sofia "Poffen" Eriksson

Published 2016-03-15
This is a memorial video of a girl in her early twenties, a girl that I didn't knew and not even had met.
Her name was Sofia but she called herself Poffen.

Three years ago, on March 27th 2013, she collapsed at the central station in Gothenburg and is given cpr by several people who
had been passing by. CPR was ongoing for about 40 minutes until the right type of ambulance finally arrived.

She was brought to Sahlgrenska hospital where the medical staff continued to work on her survival.
She underwent several surgeries and her chance of survival was considered minimal but she survived.

She was diagnosed with a disease called Dilated cardiomyopathy which meant that her heart
had become enlarged which in it's turn meant that her heart could not pump her blood sufficiently enough.

Therefore she had several hoses operated into her body, hoses that were connected to a machine called
Berlinheart Excor which
functioned as an external heart that pumped her blood around.

On June 20th the same year she was released from the hospital after being admitted for almost three months.

She was at this point the wait list for a heart transplant without
which should couldn't have survived.
About 60 days on that waiting list she was upgraded to a prio-1 case
and shortly after that, in mid September 2013, she finally underwent
the heart transplant.

Her long road back to a normal (as normal as possible given the circumstances) had begun.

The first time and the first year the transplant, she was doing
good and she had regained allot of strength.

Then it changed for the worse. I am not sure exactly when/why and all that but for some reason her body showed signed of
starting to reject her new heart. So she and her health had allot
of up and downs from that point. She was told that she likely
would need another heart transplant sometime but nobody
could answer if it was in a year or 10 years or maybe never.

On Valentines day (February 14th) 2016, she had been out
dancing with her friends, feeling much better.

The day after she had updated her blog with what would became
her final blog post. She wrote about how thankful she was
towards the person who had donated his/hers heart which
Sofia had revived in the transplant. She said she thought
about her donor's family who were missing someone.
She said she thought about those who are still waiting for
a new organ and about those who died waiting.

She said she felt happy for the little things, happy about life,
that her body was strong enough for dancing and that she was feeling better.

She also wrote that while those things made her really happy,
it also made her scared, scared that it might end to quickly.
It being life itself.

Two days later, February 16th 2016, I checked her blog just before going to bed. There was a new post available.

The headline just said Sofia and it didn't think that that much about it.
There was a picture of Sofia at the top of the post and below the following line started the blog post:

"Idag har vi förlorat vår ängel, Sofia Poffen Eriksson."
Translation: "Today we have lost our angel, Sofia "Poffen" Eriksson.

Sofia had died in her sleep sometime during the night or early
morning. Her family had found her lifeless in her bed and despite
being rushed to hospital, she could not be saved.


Her death filled me with shock and sadness even though I
never really knew her for real. I only "knew" her via her blog
but hoped that I one day would have the opportunity to meet
her in person so that I could say hello and maybe give
her a friendly hug.

Sofia wherever you are I hope that you have peace in your
mind and that you have plenty of dance halls available.

Rest in peace Sofia my thoughts are with you and I
hope that I never will forget about you.


Why did I make this video? I don't know. Because
I needed it but also because Sofia deserved it.


I don't know how long her family will keep her blog online
but you can find it here:


Please take a moment to considered to register yourself
at the organ donation registry.

For people with a Swedish personal identification number, register at this web address:

Also please spend a few minutes on visiting this website:


This video contains images and information from Sofia's blog.
Her family have approved the use of the images and the
publication of this video on Youtube.


The song used is "No one but you (only the good die young).
It is written by Brian May and performed by Queen.
No copyright infringement intended.

The use of this song means that there might be adverts showing
during the duration of the video. These adverts are enabled
by the copyright holder and not be me.

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