Dora The Destroyer - FW 190 D-9

Published 2021-05-12
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The Focke Wulf 190 Dora is stiff but lethal, the excellent high speed manoeuvrability paired with it's high altitude preset makes it a great Boom and zoomer, unfortunately it's not very good at dealing with people that have more energy than you.

0:00 Energy trap
2:20 Quick Ace
5:15 8 Kill game
8:10 Differences between the FW 190 D-9, D-12, D-13
9:22 Rest of the game

Fuel: 20 minutes
Cannon: Stealth
Convergence: 600 meters
Vertical Targeting: No
Crew: Lvl 75 + expert

Outro: A.N.O. - Vanish


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All Comments (21)
  • @adityabora9131
    Somebody get Defyn an appointment with a good chiropractor, his back must be in serious pain from all the carrying the poor lad has to do.
  • @kogi4684
    Classic support fighter gameplay, aka DEFYN carrying the entire team!
  • @lucd2320
    The Stirlings represent British bombers pretty well: they have a great bomb load (and British 1000lb bombs are efficient), but they are massive, slow, and poorly defended (only 7.7 MGs).
  • @turbonut1
    If Alek is allowed to claim he doesn't have an accent, you don't have one either.
  • @_ace_defective_
    I always did find it interesting that the D-12 in-game is the plane that gets all the unlockable camouflages, even though the D-9 was actually built in numbers and saw service while the D-12 was cancelled after only a few were built. Not at all related to the plane's performance, just something I find interesting.
  • @Jeff_C45
    I’ve unlocked the FW190 all the way up to the D-12 but every time I play them I get so frustrated. I feel if you make one mistake you literally have no options. If someone is above you you have no options. Incredibly disciplined play style. For the 109’s I feel there are so many options and play style as it is far more versatile. Winning a 1v1 dogfight through energy fighter is very rewarding. The FW190 really has no showy moments. Personal preference I guess.
  • @berg699
    Defyn you should do a series where you break down x vs y combats like Fw 190 D13 vs Spitfire LF etc, where you go more in depth on the strategy involved and the various mindsets for each playstyle with each plane. That would be quite enlightening. Like match ups were one is at a slight disadvantage or where it's often a challenge to win,
  • @birkensafttt
    This and Ta-152C-3 are my favourite aircraft in the whole game. Too bad the Ta costs about 30K to repair, even though it gets outclassed by all other 6.0s.
  • Love your videos man, thanks for putting the work in! Much appreciated.
  • Very nice video and very informative on the D series Fws. Keep up the good work!
  • @VoTi12
    epic as always! And great narrative too :) I have been having a lot of fun with la9 lately even though I know its average. Cannons are sick tho!
  • @adoplwt
    Perfect timing bro, today I bought this plane and on YT this movie was on the top of my proposed ones XDD
  • @timothylu1349
    i love defyn for posting one of my fav planes, ive had q really hard time with iy recently
  • @007IceOrange
    I'm really enjoying your videos dude keep up the great work! A new video with the K-4 would be great ;)
  • Defyn, nice vid. Do you remember wayy back when the D9 had little to no elevator authority? That was pure pain back then. The D9 is def not an "aggressive" figher but more of a support.
    Love the Dora's speed and dive speed along with the great guns
  • @sparkling925
    had trouble learning how to play fw planes thanks bro
  • Honestly I feel like this video understates how good the D9 can be 1v1. Now you cant really rate fight people, though at low speeds you can surprise some planes with the landing flaps so you can pull around on some of the fatter fighters at that br. The D9 is the best turning of all the Fw190s and its engine performance is quite good, not amazing at its br but again it surprises some people. In any sort of rolling fight you 100% have the ability to destroy even yak 3s and it is entirely because of those landing flaps, once you get under 300 you would expect a Fw190 to basically drop out of the air, but no this thing can hold a decent turn speed all the way down to 230, this makes it fly alot like a F4U-4 (not a B its engine is too bad for that), people see you and think you cant turn at all, you bait them slow and use your roll authority to suddenly cut into their turn with your surprisingly good low alt low speed turning. I have used this on many occasions to kill yak-3s, F4Us (who dont use their flaps well), Ki 61s, and a few others. It can even hang long term with some more fat planes like the heavier yak 9s, p51s, p47s, I185s. Now yes this plane is still a Fw190, no getting around that, your better off using your energy retention, but never underestimate this things 1v1 this is not a Fw190A and if you treat it like that your going to die, if your fighting it or if you are flying it The funny thing is you can completely miss this feature of the plane if you just fly it like a normal Fw190, next time you fly this thing and get in a turn fight, instead of pitching down for more speed, pitch up, drop flaps, and give whoever you are fighting a fun little surprise. (Notably if the flaps were fully used at the start of this video that F4U kill would have been alot easier). Basically if you are above 500km/h try your hardest to stay above 500, if you are below 500 try and get under and stay under 300 and fully use those flaps TLDR: Flaps good, if your under 500 and in a dogfight try to loose speed down to 300 and keep your flaps fully extended at all times. Use your roll+surprising low speed turn to kill people who aren't expecting you to be able to turn at all. Oh also this is literally the best german plane for ground rb fight me.