How Violet Evergarden Crafted An Emotional Masterpiece

Published 2021-08-29
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After rewatching Violet Evergarden, I've discovered a new found appreciation for the series that I hadn't felt before. Beyond the beautiful and elegant presentation, Violet Evergarden is a story about how a person can learn to understand the many facets of human emotion and how it can change ones life forever. Today I want to show everyone, especially to those who couldn’t get into the series, How Violet Evergarden Crafted An Emotional Masterpiece.

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Music Used:    • Violet Evergarden OST  

0:00 - Violet Evergarden & Love
2:55 - An Emotionless Doll
8:52 - The Weight Behind “I Love You”
15:30 - Loneliness, Grief & Living
20:05 - Moving On From Past Sins
24:50 - An Emotional Masterpiece

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#violetevergarden #thankyoukyoani #kevinnyaa

All Comments (21)
  • @KevinNyaa
    Hey everyone! Sorry for taking 2 months to upload, as you can see this Violet Evergarden video turned out to be way longer than expected... After rewatching the series, I got a new found appreciation for the show and wanted to convey how I felt and what I took from it's core messages. I used to think that Violet Evergarden was just a good show with some standout moments but this rewatch has made me better appreciate the more subtle and unspoken details about the series. If you enjoyed the video be sure to like and comment to help with the youtube algorithm! I do read every single comment I get and try my best to reply to most of them. Hope you all enjoy and I'll see you all next time! :)
  • @noahstucky1389
    Episode 10 freaking broke me. The day before I watched it, my dad who's passing away after having his third cancer relapse, handed me a letter he wrote over the past few months. I absolutely balled the entire episode cause Ann's story just felt so relatable, and I am genuinely too terrified to open that letter. I've strayed too far from what he and my mom wanted from me. I just want to know that they really would have loved me no matter what, and that we weren't held together purely by religion.
  • After watching the finale movie, Violet Evergarden officially cemented itself as my favorite anime of all time. It already was, 😁 but after that, it really became official!
  • @lifelessdude
    Violet evergarden is probably one of the most beautiful story for me. It just explores normal human emotions everyone has so brilliantly and beautifully.
  • @shreksmith
    27:09 I always loved one more thing about this scene that you didn't mention. In this scene when Violet mentions her coworkers Ann asks "there are more dolls that more by themselves?"(because Ann doesn't realize that Violet is a person until the last part of the episode). Now imagine if Ann said that to old Violet. Violet would immediately correct her and explain she's a human being. Instead here Violet just pauses for half a second and nods and says "that's right." She understood that little bit of misunderstanding made the soon to be orphaned girl happier...So she played along till the end. I loved that little show of growth in violet :)
  • @BDJQP36
    >Violet Evergarden video >"Ah Shit, Here We Go Again" >cliks anyways >proceeds to cry uncontrollably once more
  • @vogsphere2719
    KyoAni puts more emotion in a single animated eye than Hollywood can pack into a 9 film franchise.
  • @AC03115
    This show is truly a masterpiece in my eyes. It legitimately changed my life and help me get over some feelings regarding a relatives passing that I thought I had gotten over when in actuality I just kept those feelings bottled up inside. I thought it was difficult for something to make me cry until I watched this show for the first time. Violet’s story and the stories of those she touched through her interactions with them ended up making me cry more times than I ever had before. Even those who weren’t big fans of the show still acknowledge that episode 10 is one of the best single episodes of anime ever. In my opinion, Violet is one of the greatest characters I have ever seen in media ever. Thank you for making this video on my favorite anime and for showing everyone how truly special this show is to me in a way I don’t think I ever could
  • @ashuna_
    "I Want To Know What 'I Love You' Means..." - Violet Evergarden. Whenever I think of the Words, "I love you", I'll always associate it with The Violet Evergarden Series. I always thought the words, "I love you", was just a phrase people say with no deeper meaning behind it. To me, it was just a phrase to get people to understand and express that they simply enjoy the other person. An easy, yet simple phrase to express to one another. Of course, I have to admit that I was so oblivious and dense to ever think that before. The Violet Evergarden Series has really taught me what the words, "I love you", could truly mean. Love is special, and the moments with the people you love are absolutely precious and truly cherishable. It conveys a sense of hundreds of thousands of emotions in just three 3 words. After watching the whole series, including the Final Movie, it really hit me hard and opened my realization to the words "I Love You". At that moment, it absolutely made me want to shed tears on how beautiful those words were. I'll never forget my experience with this emotional rollercoaster of a series and I'm forever grateful. Thank you Kyoto Animation for making this wonderful anime and Thank you Kevin Nyaa for making this outstanding video on your perspective on the Violet Evergarden Series. "You have to live have to free....from the bottom of my heart... I love you." - Gilbert Bougainvillea
  • @navi_1134
    Fun fact: today is violet’ English VA’s birthday (Erika harlacher)
  • I loved how Violet Evergarden covered the effects of war in just about every aspect. Throughout the show there's bits thrown in about how with all the new technology they've begun advancing in building. Electric lights, elevators, radio towers, all new kinds of stuff. The whole reason auto memories dolls existed was (if I remember correctly) there wasn't a lot of people who knew how to read/write, so they would write letters and documents. The fact that they are very rarely shown writing for people who don't know how to write implies that it is no longer a nessity, but rather a luxury (meaning more people know how to read). Throughout the show you see the effects of war on families as well; memorials for soldiers who went missing in action, families grieving the loss of loved ones (not only soldiers but people lost in crossfire as well). And of course the grief of the soldiers who DID make it home as well, having to deal with the guilt of their actions and the trauma of seeing a fellow soldier die in the battlefield. I've never been in the military, but from what I know from talking to people who have actively served on the front lines, there's a lot of guilt that comes with getting to go home. Feelings like 'I should have died, not (__),' or 'I got to got to go home, but (__) didn't.' I've been told that fighting in war comes with a forced sense of desensitization for your actions, having to look past your actions to achieve a greater goal. I love this series with all my heart, truly. I won't lie, I cry a shit ton. I cried for A Silent Voice, I cried for the ending of Inuyasha, I cried for Children of The Sea, I cried for Pokemon (unapologetically), I cried for most of Fruits Basket (the manga), I cried for the ending of OHSHC, I cried for Your Lie in April, I cried for the end of Assassination Classroom, I cried for Anohana, I cried for Sailor Moon, I cried for Grave of The Fireflies, and I cried for the ending of Uzimaki for some fucking reason (also the manga.) And of course, I cried for this as well. However, unlike most of the others I cried over, Violet Evergarden had an EMOTIONAL IMPACT on me. Yeah, I cried when Ash Ketchum had to say goodbye to his pet butterfly when I was 8. Yeah, I cried when I watched a young boy starve to death in the subway and then reunite with his sister in spirit form during WWII. But did I change me perminantly as a person? No. Yes, it made me very sad, but it didn't change me. This did. When I first watched VE, it was the day after someone who meant everything to me had passed away. I was grieving very heavily, but since I had never really had to grieve the loss of a loved one I wasn't able to fully comprehend what I was feeling or what to do about it. In a way I was able to relate to Violet. While I was not ignorant of my own emotions, I was certainly not fully understanding of what exactly is was I was feeling. And, of course, I had lost my sense of purpose. This person was in my life every day since I was born, and now they were gone. I had never been prepared emotionally for what to do, and of course I was too stubborn to prepare myself for the inevitably of their death "(death never seems realistic to me, there's no way she could just leave me alone)" VE helped me feel things out during this rough time in my life. I soaked in All the different stories of all the different people like a sponge, and seeing all of this made it easier to understand I think. Of course, it was never really easy, and it still isn't. Death is never an easy thing to wrap your head around. All in all this show was a genuine work of art. A true masterpiece of writing and animation.
  • @Lilkieff
    Violet Evergarden was the first episodic anime to make me truly emotional and make me stop and think after watching it. P.S- I love your content, it brings back all of the emotions that come with watching these animes for the first time.
  • @kiyomi_kamimoto
    I just want to say, that this is the first anime in all my life that made me cry in each episode. I don't know if it was because I was tired when I watched it, but I remember it was so damn powerful that I just couldn't not cry. No animes made me cry before, nor movies nor series. Tears in eyes yes, feeling things yes, but never cry. This is really a first time for me, and that is also an other point that makes me think this anime is a true masterpiece. The animation, the story, the characters, everything is incredible. I think this is my favorite anime/piece of fiction of all time.
  • @bavo981
    A single note of this anime's soundtrack is able to send shivers through my whole being. I love it, I love Violet, I love Kyoani, I love anime. Edit: I liked this, thank you. You made me cry again you bastard <3 You owe me a beer now. Edit Edit: I will sponsor you bro, just ask.
  • @lostcactus1496
    Violet Evergarden was for me ( since the first time i watched it ) a masterpiece ! i was so engrossed in the story, animation, soundtrack and character development that i could only qualify it as a masterpiece ! which led me to search more about it, then i found out that it originally was a novel and reading that novel gave me a whole other level of understanding to the story as well as closure to not only Violet but the other side characters as well ! so if you loved watching the anime, read the novel !
  • I got teary eyes when you're narrating ep 10 even though i just watched it earlier this week. Violet Evergarden is a masterpiece, a masterpiece I'd like to watch with my future family a decade or two from now.
  • @optie5
    1:36 I think the entire point of Violet's backstory is that. To feel out of place. She grew up in a war, and now she lives a peaceful life. In the early episodes, she takes even basic requests as "commands", but later on in the anime she's broken free of this habit. I think the point of her backstory is to show that she grew up in an environment where she was trained to be an emotionless warmachine, and this really puts a weight on how hard it is to convey human emotions to someone who has never truly felt them. This show is truly a masterpiece in terms of development and storytelling.
  • @dracotias
    The series was already heavy with plenty of feels but man I can quite happily admit that after the finale movie I was ugly crying like a little bitch. If any "recent" anime deserves to be remembered among the greats then it's this