How To Move On After Divorce For A Man | Divorced Men | Mens Divorce Tips

Published 2021-08-18
How To Move On After Divorce For A Man | Divorced Men | Mens Divorce Tips

Movies often portray divorced guys living it up and enjoying the freedom they’ve always wanted. In reality, this stereotype can be far from the truth. Men often experience the most devastating losses from divorce, without knowing ways to cope.

Men are nearly twice as likely to develop major depression after divorce than women, and the suicide rate of divorced men is nearly twice that of married men. Society’s stigma on men seeking mental health help only worsens this concerning problem.

So with men often losing their children, friends, reputations, and homes after divorce, is there anything they can do to feel like themselves again?

Welcome you to G-Man YouTube channel.

What is a G-Man? A G-Man is a ‘Greater’ version of you.

Now what does the letter ‘G’ stand for? The ‘G’ can stand for many things, such as:-
- Greatness
- Gentleman
- Giving
- Growing
- Grounded
- Genuine
- Glamorous
- Gorgeous

G-Man is all about thriving after your separation and moving forward with the new stage in your life! Separation or divorce is an opportunity to go through metamorphosis, much like how the caterpillar turns in the butterfly. It is an incredible opportunity.

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02:59 Number 1 : Do Not Attempt to try and get back with Your Ex-Wife
03:45 Number 2 : Stop the desperation, and focus on what you can control.
04:47 Number 3 : Establish a Convenient Weekly Schedule
05:21 Number 4: Make Sure that the Divorce Does not Affect Your Children
06:09 ​Number 5: Accept Your Loss and Grieve
07:06 ​Number 6: Avoid Addiction
07:40 ​Number 7: Ask for Help - Don’t Pretend You’re Fine When You’re Not
09:06 ​Number 8: Get Fit Commit To Exercise Daily
10:50 ​Number 9: Use Mindfulness Techniques
12:15 ​Number 10: Say “No” to Alienation and “Yes” to “Me Time”
13:43 ​Number 11: Find a Hobby and Stay Social
15:12 ​Number 12: Upgrade your Wardrobe
16:03 ​Number 13: Start Dating to Boost Your Confidence
17:07 ​Number 14: Block Her on Social Media
17:43 ​Number 15: Become the Man You Want to Be


All Comments (21)
  • I am currently going through this now at 57yo, after my divorce was finalized on May 15th of this year and I am fighting the feelings of being angry, frustrated, depressed, failure, having no confidence, inadequacy and moments of even shutting down. But the thing which has helped me the passed several months, especially most recently after my ex-wife moved out is trying to not be lonely, but turning it into “Me Time” like you said here and enjoying my own company. I even bought a 7 piece drum set as my stress releaser and also started working out once again. So, I am looking forward to getting myself back on track with my life and being the best version of myself.
  • @Atclav
    Women have no idea how much some men invest themselves into their marriages especially if they have kids. Sometimes our whole being is in the marriage. Men get into a support group like this man says.
  • @JTDyer21
    Just move on. Women want to leave then help them pack. I did exactly that. My ex wanted a divorce and I helped her pack. You got bigger fish to fry.
  • @Kauwa808
    Lawyer up. Let her go. Divorce and alone sucks but we are G-men. Grown Men
  • @woodedape
    When my wife said she wanted a divorce I felt like Tom Hanks on Castaway.
  • @salvadorochoa2321
    You can definitely try being the adult here and not blame your ex-wife in front of the children, however she won't hesitate to do that exact thing, and the kids will definitely begin to form an opinion about you based on what their mommy tells them.
  • @shaky8820
    Good channel. Definitely should have more subs
  • @jugulartara4388
    Online dating has been a dismal failure. At least for me. Wasted a lot of money for minimal results. Some people tell me it only works if you are exceptionally good looking. Developing a social network of friends is harder than you think when you don't have young kids.
  • @charlesdial7152
    I am going through a tough time with my emotions during this time of separation but it's getting better a little bit at a time. I kinda want to be on my own for awhile now because I can do it.
  • @contactvp
    You need to experience yourself experiencing yourself. Go deep and do what you’re willing/interested in doing. Remember/recall the times when you were in the zone and use those same methodologies.
  • Ive checked out a long time ago... that's the part ive heard so many times in so many videos...and that's the part that's the hardest for me to deal with. Ffs say something or do something to try and SOLVE the problem. At least try before you take the coward way wife told me after 15 years of marriage. I mean 15 years...and she was already one year and a half thinking about leaving. For me that's the same as lying or cheating...and then blindsiding your husband and leave when he gave everything he had...i know im not perfect and ive made mistakes but at least im not a coward taking the easy way out...especially when you have a 9 year old with ASS...
  • @alboondy9991
    This is pure gold. Men barely educate each other, nor cheering or encouraging other men. Thanks my brother.