15 Questions with Briana (Preventable Documentary - Red Skin Syndrome)

Published 2017-08-14
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Personal: blackvelvetink
Documetnary: preventable_doc


Email: [email protected]


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15 Questions -- All 15 with timing --

1. What topics am I covering? (:44)
2. Any new topics pop up while shooting? (1:29)
3. What is my projected time frame to complete the documentary? (2:18)
4. How much time have I put into this project so far? (3:14)
5. Are more funds needed to complete the project? (4:46)
6. Will there be screenings? (6:42)
7. Was there anything that surprised me? (7:48)
8. Do I think this documentary will be enough to convince people RSS is real? (9:09)
9. Are the doctors I interviewed seen as rebels in the community? (10:22)
10. How do I think we can get across this barrier of GPs not understanding our condition? (11:32)
11. How much did my skin get affected by traveling? (13:09)
12. Do I still need more filming? (15:55)
13. Do I have wanderlust? (16:41)
14. What was my favorite location? (17:54)
15. Did I come across the reason why some of us go through TSW and some of us don't? (19:23)

All Comments (10)
  • @brant7173
    Goddamnit, I love you. I'm 4 years in. We are the zen masters. We exist to expose the holes in our society. I withdrew at age 20. My early 20s have disappeared because of ointment. And tbh I'm glad. I see the world for what it is. My perspective is one of a kind. Those of us afflicted by rss understand those things that are truly important in life. Every curse comes with a blessing. Such is the balance of the universe. You're beautiful. May you never reach year 4.
  • @Fannysvp
    Wish you have an amazing time working in the cruise Briana! Thanks for everything!
  • @MsMichiWichi
    Hi I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done.My daughter still on this Journey, but because of you I have more knowledge of my daughter's Condition.You look great I can see the healing and if you do a conference in Atlanta Georgia I will be very honor to meet you.
  • @stacyfiddz8129
    oh god ive had this condition forever ever since my teen years i am now almosy 30. alot of time using steriods i had been through horrible facial flares infections bleh eveything. i am literally knowing and thinking its time for my journey to stop steriods ... im so scared but im so tired of this condition....im hoping i get better. im so glad for people like you snd your videos. 💜💕
  • @MsDanceDiva234
    I'm in the ATL area and my old dermatologist who has been in my life since I was a baby always discouraged me from steroids. And I definitely think genetics play a role especially for those who have had it since birth. WE NEED TO HAVE DISCUSSIONS with geneticists, dermatologists, etc. so we can start understanding the science of how this develops. For me, I feel like diet is just one key factor. And why do those with eczema always seem to have excessive allergies? I once read an article somewhere online stating that those with peanut allergies tripled from 1987 and during this time they changed the formula for the MMR vaccine. They think the vaccine may have something to do with altering the genetic info for some leading to these deadly allergies. Perhaps it could have something to do with why so many suffer from eczema? It's something tot think about and a possible connection. But I would just like to say thank you for your work and commitment to spreading the word about this horrible condition.
  • Hi im 12 i cant type my whole story im tired but i have bad eczema bad! ive never went through it so its hard i dont like people looking i want to commit suicide all the time before all this happened i was a boy who never like to look bad never liked anyone to touch my hair i liked girls on me a lot i had glowing skin amazing skin! But i moved to Minnesota from Chicago.....TO BE CONTINUED.
  • I was also pregnant while going through TSW :(
  • @tadejpolak1448
    ewery time i see your videos i fell like im not alone in this batle , doing allot bether now , after 9 months of TSW and a huge flairup that lasted 4 months and put me in the hospital , where i argued with all the doctors XD LOL .....they wanted to put so much of this poison back on me and i said NO .... then they said that if they dont im in a such a bad condition that in a weak i might die , and there is no other way than steroids ....so we want 4 it ....in wery small dosages , mixed with antibaiotcal cream and coconut oil :) it helped and all vent well , now im back to my job , now working 3 months in a row :D jeiiiii and the skin is ...well its oky ...not grat but ok :) still going on checkups with my personal dermathologist and asking when the new drug - DUPIXENT will be available 4 me :) we are still at the point of not knowing .....but at least shee understends me and knows that steroids are NOT god ! Hope your doing bether too :)