Published 2024-07-05
Today I talk about some of the struggles I have had with the new Daemons rules in Pariah Nexus. Its another update video to the last one, where I spoke about the new secondaries and how Daemons have some major flaws right now. I hope you all enjoy! Like, sub, and become a member!

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#warhammer #chaos #daemons

All Comments (21)
  • @Alan-ut4ve
    I just won a local tournament this past saturday with my Chaos Daemons List. There were about 30 people and multiple teams there so the scene is pretty well established with people driving about 2 hours to be there. I ran Shalaxi, Great Unclean One with Enhancement, Lord of Change with the enhancement, Changeling, Slaanesh soulgrinder, 30 pink horrors, 3x3 flamers, and 2x3 nurglings. I scored 282 points out of 300 in 3 games. It was super fun. People fight the pink horrors and get stuck as they multiply and shalaxi is the scariest beast on the board, so they panic and try to kill her.
  • "Thats right guys, B tier. But if you subsribe to our art of war 40k classes we'll show you how to make your army SS tier! Just give us $19.99 a month!" 😂
  • @T-Mo
    Yeah, I cursed some bad words about Gladiators, Leman Russes and Wardogs only being 2-point BiD, while Skarbrand, Kaiross Rottigus and GuO - the Kartoffel (potato) as we call it in Germany - are 3 times the points. I tried it with 4 and I'm dropping at least one. On a sidenote, in a recent try I did bolster the nurgle part with a Nurgle Soulgrinder ... hear me out: Rottigus/GuO Shocking on 3" and the Soulgrinder tagging along with semi-good shooting BUT 6" charge flips relatively reliable a marker for just 2 points of dad BiD-Ass makes a huge difference. And the option to indirect fire is a nice kicker. I didn't realize that you don't have to immediatly come down with Fateskimmer ... I guess I will try something there, too :) Have a nice Tournament this weekend. Cheers
  • @Bajel_Barbossa
    ¡Hola, Jack! Gracias por este video, y creo que lo más importante es entender la forma en que analizas las listas. Y hablando de listas, me gustaría mostrarte las dos listas que hice para Nexo Paria con las miniaturas que tengo. Agradecería mucho tu opinión sobre ellas 😁 Convergencia Oscura (1995 points) Chaos Daemons Strike Force (2000 points) Daemonic Incursion CHARACTERS Epidemius (80 points) • 1x Balesword and Nurgling attendants Great Unclean One (260 points) • 1x Bileblade 1x Bilesword 1x Putrid vomit • Enhancement: The Endless Gift Lord of Change (285 points) • Warlord • 1x Bolt of Change 1x Staff of Tzeentch • Enhancement: The Everstave Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points) • 1x Attendants’ hellblades 1x Blade of blood Skarbrand (305 points) • 1x Bellow of endless fury 1x Slaughter and Carnage Skullmaster (100 points) • 1x Blade of blood 1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn Skulltaker (85 points) • 1x The Slayer Sword The Changeling (90 points) • 1x Infernal Flames 1x The Trickster’s Staff BATTLELINE Bloodletters (120 points) • 1x Bloodreaper • 1x Hellblade • 9x Bloodletter • 1x Daemonic Icon 9x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos Nurglings (40 points) • 3x Nurgling Swarm • 3x Diseased claws and teeth Plaguebearers (110 points) • 1x Plagueridden • 1x Plaguesword • 9x Plaguebearer • 1x Daemonic Icon 1x Instrument of Chaos 9x Plaguesword OTHER DATASHEETS Bloodcrushers (220 points) • 1x Bloodhunter • 1x Hellblade 1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn • 5x Bloodcrusher • 1x Daemonic Icon 5x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos 5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn Screamers (75 points) • 3x Screamer • 3x Lamprey bite Screamers (75 points) • 3x Screamer • 3x Lamprey bite
  • For me I have found it's all about rendmaster stacking. If you have 2-3 that allows triple flesh hounds for actions but they're killy as well. Bloodcrusher bricks don't stall out and fail and just glide through enemy armies. The greaters are great. But I had to cut down to 3 to stop the Bring it Down issues. I don't see value in screamers or Kairos or flamers etc etc. Have a GUO fight for mid and have something like hounds screen out home. Your natural expansion objective seems to be given walls to chill behind.
  • @jmth__5516
    Keep up the great work! Been thinking about a 2nd army and want Deamons to work (before buying and painting any models lol)!
  • Something fun for us: epidemius (and festus) just got legended in age of sigmar. Hooray that I just bought the Epidemius kit, because that basically guarantees that once we have the daemons codex, he's toast. You taught me to love the little pestilent potato, now we need to learn to say goodbye.
  • @roddazzz
    I have been having pretty good success with an almost mono Khorne list. GUO, Skarbrand and Bloodthirster. 3 units of bloodletters with skull taker and blood master and 1 rend master, 6 blood crushers and 2 units of 5 flesh hounds with some nurglings. Nurglings screen and move block, flesh hounds do missions and the 2 big reds move to mid board to provide deep strike for bloodletters and blood crushers if needed. Skarbrand and Bloodthirster are the LAST things in my army that engage, everything else clears screens and does the maximum damage possible. Some of my games 1 of the 2 big reds might not even see combat as their job is to buff and stay alive as long as possible. Bloodletter bomb with a hero and shrine buff will nuke anything in the game
  • @MT.Helbane
    Love the chariot idea, I'm working on a chariot list to right now lol, also contains 8 Chariots. Decided to pass on the exalted tho, only battleshocks if it is the one to kill something, and you just killed one of the units that was within the 6 in. Decided to go 3 and 3 hellflayers and seeker.
  • @xXpinhead
    I've been having fun with 3 bloodthirstys, scarbrand, 2x3 seekers, 3x10 nurglings and 30 blue horrors to start on no mans and performing actions, I've been swapping around taking some flesh hounds and sloppity, or flamers, screamers, changeling, whatever mid trash you like to hold back field and uppy downy as needed to backfill... Typically running fixed behind lines and engage on all fronts unless they are just giving me something up obviously. Another version I've tried is cutting 2 thirsters and adding 2 skullkrusher bricks
  • @mickboe1
    I've only recently started playing, and currently working towards a tripple lord of change list, 2x6 screamers with fatemasters, 3 x 3 flamers for objective play 2x10 pinks to sit on objectives, and 2x3 nurglings for screens and a changeling. The downside is still 6 characters but none of the demons are 20 wounds and there are only 3 of them. So i hope I can kinda bait them to go for fixed and then go all in, since u can only score assasinate once per turn.
  • @Bajel_Barbossa
    Esta segunda lista la hice minimizando al maximo los grandes demonios, así que cambio al Lord of Change por Syll'Esske con Daemonettes y un Skull Cannon. Convergencia oscura (Syll'Esske) (1985 points) Chaos Daemons Strike Force (2000 points) Daemonic Incursion CHARACTERS Epidemius (80 points) • 1x Balesword and Nurgling attendants Great Unclean One (260 points) • 1x Bilesword 1x Plague flail 1x Putrid vomit • Enhancement: The Endless Gift Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points) • 1x Attendants’ hellblades 1x Blade of blood Skarbrand (305 points) • 1x Bellow of endless fury 1x Slaughter and Carnage Skullmaster (100 points) • 1x Blade of blood 1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn Skulltaker (85 points) • 1x The Slayer Sword Syll’Esske (120 points) • 1x Axe of Dominion 1x Cacophonic choir 1x Scourging whip The Changeling (90 points) • Warlord • 1x Infernal Flames 1x The Trickster’s Staff BATTLELINE Bloodletters (120 points) • 1x Bloodreaper • 1x Hellblade • 9x Bloodletter • 1x Daemonic Icon 9x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos Daemonettes (100 points) • 1x Alluress • 1x Slashing claws • 9x Daemonette • 1x Daemonic Icon 1x Instrument of Chaos 9x Slashing claws Plaguebearers (110 points) • 1x Plagueridden • 1x Plaguesword • 9x Plaguebearer • 1x Daemonic Icon 1x Instrument of Chaos 9x Plaguesword OTHER DATASHEETS Bloodcrushers (220 points) • 1x Bloodhunter • 1x Hellblade 1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn • 5x Bloodcrusher • 1x Daemonic Icon 5x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos 5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn Screamers (75 points) • 3x Screamer • 3x Lamprey bite Screamers (75 points) • 3x Screamer • 3x Lamprey bite Skull Cannon (95 points) • 1x Attendants’ hellblades 1x Biting maw 1x Skull cannon Pdta: Dos mensajes para darle gusto al Dios Máquina de Youtube 😜
  • @alias-yv2ro
    Do you have any tips for a pure khorne army in the new dataslate?😊 love the content!
  • @chemonized
    I have been playing a few various lists, the one I like the most is just going 7 greater daemons, sure you give up assassinate and bring it down, but my finding is that not much can actually deal with 7 greater daemons with one of them being Kairos denying strats very early on.
  • @mkulchar
    I'd be interested to see if anybody has tried a chariot list. I currently own six chariots but I've never tried using them with terrain in movement if it's going to be too hard to move them around since they're so wide
  • @XaszEmoeritz
    Going "mono" Khorne with maxed Bloodcrushers seems tempting. Maybe with one BT for some potential deep strike shenanigans. Sure, big units of Bloodcrushers can be awkward but these kind of lists were doing well before the update and there should be no super easy targets for Bring it Down and Assassinate. Something a long the lines of -> BT, Throne, 3x Skullmaster, 3x6 Bloodcrushers, 3x Skull Cannons, 3x Flesh Hounds with some flex points at the end for a unit of Flamers or Seekers.
  • @PirateJamm
    Winning or losing doesn’t matter when your army looks this beautiful on the table! That green and red just looks amazing!
  • @m4dfan
    have you tried belakor, i know hes still a bit pricy tho. I am building up a daemon army myself. i wanna try this guy out. Maybe the loneop aura will help keeping the big boys alive or atleast safe for the first 2 rounds :)