How much longer will I do YouTube?

Published 2024-06-01
All the recent retirement videos really stuck with me and this was a video I felt like I just had to make

All Comments (21)
  • @nucleonegro9762
    You know, John, i have no right to tell you to keep it up forever, but i can tell you this: I'll miss you when you decide to leave so i'll cherish your videos while you're still making them
  • @TylerTinted
    We’ve always said the best PM7 video is the next one, and that’s never been more true. Let’s get ourselves some gold play buttons
  • @newgiohguy3711
    I, as a 30- something year old man who plays Pokémon would love to watch another 30- something do the same. YouTube has changed a lot and I do think longevity on the platform is more attainable than ever. If you don't want to continue it's more than understandable. Here's to you John, may life bring you all you want and more.
  • @CheesyyBurrito
    John, we will support any decision you end up making ❤
  • @Varigatou
    One of your unique characteristics is the ability to adapt as trends change. I'm confident the best PM7 and John content is ahead of us yet still. While we all age, your enthusiasm for the craft does not
  • @Lupinemancer87
    As a 36-year-old man, I don't see the problem with you continuing to make YouTube videos well into your 30s. I'll continue watching them. Ofc, I'll support whatever you feel is right but I will miss you if you decide to leave. Do whatever you feel is best for you.
  • @MewDied151
    Speaking as a 30 year old man, I'm glad not everyone on YouTube is younger than me playing & making content for these games. Creators like you who are my age, let me know that this hobby is still absolutely fine to be involved in no matter how old I get. Much love John ❤️
  • @CatieBubbles
    I love your videos and I look forward to each one. I'm a 31yo autistic woman who freaking LOVES Pokemon and shiny hunting, and a big part of my love of shiny hunting comes from you. Whatever you decide to do in the future, I will be fully in support of because I know you will think things through and not make rash decisions. But also know that I will always be here to watch your new videos and rewatch the heck out of older ones! Take care of yourself first and foremost.
  • @sciyama7130
    you're asking a loaded question with no right answers whether you keep making videos for another decade or decide tomorrow that you're done, it's been a fun ride, and we'll support your choices
  • @IronBoffin
    MatPat really gave all of us an existential crisis.
  • hey john no matter how long you do youtube i will watch all your videos over and over again!
  • @QJCosmic
    As someone who’s just started my YouTube journey, you are a huge inspiration man. Regardless of what’s ahead, you’ve definitely made your place in the Poketuber halls of fame, you’ve shaped a lot of what we do today, and I’m sure you’re going to continue inspiring. Being a part of the recent Gen 3 event was one of the peaks of my YouTube career. Thanks big man
  • @Hmnprsn4373
    If you choose to stay, we will all support you. If you leave, we will respect that. But know that whatever happens, it’s your decision. We love your videos, and I personally look forward to the videos you have in store, big or small. Whatever you do, we wish you the best of luck.
  • @AmandaC.
    This is gonna sound cheesy, but let me cook😂 As long as YOU still love what you do, we will follow. Not everyone will, but the true lovers of your content will follow. As a 30+ yo, the content I enjoy is the one with love and passion behind it. Keep doing what you love man, we will be here ❤ Also, sending you my condolencense for your uncle ❤
  • @Jedi-Ghosty
    Whatever you decide we all will have your back. We're all glad that we've been able to see you on this journey. Keep doing you John
  • @nifo1013
    As a 30 (late) something year old pokemon youtube consumer, yours is the content I keep tuning into and returning to. And it has only gotten better in the years I have been following you. :)
  • @bvd_vlvd
    You want to do it now. That's the most important thing. It's a great first step to recognise its significance. Next step is throwing away the idea that you need to plan where you'll be when you're 50 or 60 because ultimately it's barely in your control. This ain't free advice baby, I got this in therapy last year. It's all short term and mid term plans for this guy. THAT'S the balance I'd been searching for my entire life.
  • John I want you to know that- as an audience- as long as you are here, making videos and being there and supporting us as a community, we will be here to do the exact same- supporting and holding you up as a pillar of entertainment and friendship here on YouTube. Because as it is true that you have been doing YouTube for quite a while, we also have been watching you for quite a while, and as creator and audience, we've grown together. We love you, John. We love you for the person you are and the things you do. We will support you for as long as you want us and need us to. We- or I, at least- will always wish you the best; and thank you for being here for us for many years, and hopefully for many more.
  • @RisingDman
    You're amazing dude. Love watching your videos!!
  • @Pokepro-zc1vz
    No matter what you do you will always be “The King of Shines”