Cat Whisperer Secrets How to Make Any Cat Like You

Published 2024-05-27
Cat Whisperer Secrets How to Make Any Cat Like You, and how to get a cat to come to you. Watch this adorable video about cats, and how to make them like you, and get a cat to come to you. Making friends with cats. If you've ever tried to win over a cat, you know it's not always as simple as offering a treat or toy. Cats have unique personalities, just like us. Some are outgoing and adventurous, while others might be shy or even a bit grumpy. Understanding and patience are key. We’re going to explore tried and true methods to help any cat warm up to you, no matter their personality. Let's get started!

First, remember that cats are creatures of comfort and control. If a cat feels threatened or overwhelmed, they might just scamper away. The best approach is to give them space. Respect their boundaries and let them come to you on their own terms. Over time, they’ll start associating you with safety and positivity. It's not rejection, just reflection. They’re simply taking their time to understand who you are.

Next, imagine you’re a tiny creature and a giant leans over you. Intimidating, right? That’s how cats feel when we tower over them. Instead, get down to their level. Sit or lie down on the floor and let them approach you. This non-threatening posture makes you less scary and more approachable, significantly increasing their comfort and trust.

Cats are incredibly sensitive to our tones and movements. Loud noises or sudden movements can send them running. Keep your voice soft and your actions smooth. Avoid loud clapping, sudden shifts, and create a calm environment. Speak gently and you might just find a cat coming closer to hear what you have to say. It's all about creating a soothing atmosphere where they feel secure.

Did you know cats communicate with their eyes? A slow blink is a cat’s way of saying "I trust you." If a cat catches your eye, slowly close your eyes and reopen them. This can be a powerful tool in building trust. Don’t stare; just give a gentle, slow blink. You might be surprised when they return the gesture. It's a small step but a giant leap in your relationship with a cat.

Cats love to play, and playtime is a fantastic bonding activity. Use toys like feathers on a stick or a laser pointer to engage them. This helps them associate you with fun and positive experiences while keeping them physically and mentally healthy. Remember, the toy is the focus, not your hands. This way, they learn to play with the toy, not your fingers. Keep play sessions short and sweet to leave them wanting more.

A cat’s belly may look soft and inviting, but resist the urge to touch it. Most cats are protective of their undersides. Instead, focus on areas they enjoy, like the base of their ears, under the chin, or along their back. Watch their body language and respect their boundaries to build trust and comfort.

Always provide alternatives for natural behaviors. If a cat scratches furniture, gently redirect them to a scratching post. If they hunt your feet under blankets, offer them a toy instead. Never yell or punish; just guide and redirect. This patience and understanding reinforce a positive environment.

Remember, toys are for fun, not your hands. Using your hands might encourage biting or scratching. Always use a toy to interact, keeping playtime safe and enjoyable. Consistency is key. Cats appreciate having their own space, so respect their territory. Don’t invade their space; admire from a distance. Over time, they might invite you in when they feel comfortable.

Avoid using tricks or teasing to interact with cats. This can create mistrust and behavioral issues. Keep play straightforward and fun. Be genuine in your actions, and you'll build a genuine bond.

Thanks for sticking around! I hope these tips help you become a true cat whisperer. Remember, each cat is unique and patience is your best friend. If you enjoyed this video, hit that like button and subscribe for more pet-friendly content. Check out our next video on the secrets to a happy and healthy cat life. Thanks for watching and see you next time!

Cat Playlist:    • Chilled Out  SmukiCat Is The Cutest! ...  

Cat Whisperer Secrets: How to get a cat to come to you


00:00 Welcoming Our Feline Friends
00:32 Back off
01:07 Don’t lean over them
01:38 Keep calm
02:06 Slow blinking
02:32 Be their new playmate
03:00 Avoid that fluffy tummy
03:31 Keep calm and quiet
04:03 Keep your hands to yourself
04:30 Save them a space
04:57 No one likes a tease
05:22 Becoming a True Cat Whisperer

Please feed the cats…

#cats #catsofyoutube #cat #cutecat #pets #kittens #catlover #catwhisperer

All Comments (11)
  • @tonyprice2256
    I do a lot of walking around my town, and try to interact with every cat i see along my way. Some are friendly and have come up to me, and some are less trusting so i always grant them their space. But i still will talk to them and give them the slow eye blinks. I adore all cats big and small, and my life is blessed with the companionship of two lovely females these days. Cali and Courtney are my best friends in this world!
  • @erikabee3498
    Cat Whisperer? I never whispered to my cats, just as I hardly raised a loud voice (and the few moments I did, I just looked in a different corner). And yes if one of my cats did something funny, I laughed out loud. As long as your cat knows you long enough, he see it more as a stimulance to make you laugh again. I see many cat lovers repeating what they have heard years ago. And of course if you just picked a cat out of a nest... than it is crucial to do those things you talked about. But if the cat chooses you, than it is much easier. Because they choose you for a reason. Since I had my own first cat, I never lost any cat disappearing. Even if they were seriously wounded of ill... they always came back to me. So that I could get them to the veterinarian. Because even though those cats walked in, years after another... I can say, that getting between two cats that not get along with each other is a great way to gain their trust. Make one cat pass the other, by walking between them. Maybe they do not understand immediately but after one or two weeks, they do understand. Both of them!
  • @user-rj1vj5wk9f
    That poor cat getting stretched out for brushing must have been so ticked off!
  • @glee21012
    Give them treats, it is fool proof. They are food driven.