The Difference Between Being an Empath & Being Codependent

Published 2020-04-29
This talk on my channel,@Julia Kristina Counselling, is about the difference between being an empath and being co-dependent. Although two can be related, someone who experiences codependency isn't necessarily someone who is more empathic and vice versa. Here were going to talk about the key difference between being and empath and being codependent and what if you experience both, what will help you be a caring, sensitive person without the struggles that come with relating to others in a co-dependent way.


If you struggle to be assertive get my assertive communication crash course here:

To stop being codependent altogether, get my Badass Boundaries Course:

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#codependence #codependent #empath

All Comments (21)
  • I learned this: "Whatever people give you, they can take away. Whomever you need, controls you. Need people less, love them more."
  • @osse1n
    Whenever you bind your happiness to external sources, it's like you throw away the key for your wellbeing.
  • @danayager
    “I understand you” vs. “I need to fix you”...perfect analogy
  • @sandisedore7425
    Just what I needed to hear. This is exactly where I am at in my recovery from codependency. At 51, I have just learned that it is not selfish to put your needs first, it's Self care.
  • Being empathic makes it hard for me to recognize manipulation sometimes
  • Detached. Observing not reacting. Choosing to respond. Not react. Mindful in the moment. Not feeing guilty bout saying no no more.
  • @genpeg2048
    People really need to learn to be happy alone. Now more than ever.
  • @adamclark7703
    I get lost in a relationship it’s as if I stop being me and give up doing things on my own. Learning every day though thanks for this
  • @aliyarahman85
    Breaking always from co-dependency is like learning a new language. I was trained from childhood to cater to my parents emotional needs and therefore did not have my own heard or seen. I am learning them now, and making sure my son can speak his emotional truth
  • @didgemama4890
    With my ex-husband, if we received a bill on Friday. I would hide it until Monday because I didn’t want to ruin his weekend! Seriously! So happy on my own!
  • @sherryoake7999
    I am with a narcissist and discovering why I am staying. This codependency topic is describing me, as well as the empathy. It is time to focus my energy on fixing me instead of accommodating or fixing others. Thanks for the insight!!
  • @josun2222
    I think I'm more of an empath but I deal with people trying to manipulating me almost everyday. It's just better to be alone sometimes but I need some good friendships with healthy people.
  • @dovelove1920
    I was both at one time because I was raised that way. My mom never says no and builds resentment. She's tired all of the time and feels guilty when she rests. In order to break the codependent part, I had to learn boundaries and I will say no in a heartbeat and when asked why won't I do something, my response has been "I just don't feel like doing it." My mom seems shocked when I'm able to establish and keep boundaries with people. It's very liberating and I was amazed at how many people was actually upset that I will no longer let them walk over me. It's very unfortunate but life is so much more peaceful now.
  • I’m hearing impaired. I love what you are saying. I can hear you. You have amazing diction and allow, me, at least, to read your lips. Thank you
  • @daryls212
    Re: Boundaries.. I started practicing by looking in the mirror, and saying, " I'd really like to help, but sorry I can't." ... because i noticed i would drop everything to go help others, but started feeling bad when it was never returned. Still a work in progress at 60. I do have a good handle on acceptance now. 😊Empaths and anxiety go hand in hand too i believe. Namastè 🙏🏻❤
  • I'm definitely Both but I never realized how codependent especially in realtionships or the people I really love!!! I'm always on a mission to fix and heal people and I end up hurting myself or getting hurt in the process most of the time especially if I feel unappreciated or rejected 🤦🏾‍♀️😥
  • I cried watching this; it explains pretty much everything.. time to start recognising and changing my exhausting patterns in relationships. Thank you.