I HATE the new Mario Kart tracks.

Published 2022-03-20

All Comments (21)
  • @margo3558
    So great to see a colab between the Drift King and "Drift King"
  • @ratjacket704
    Loved how RT's message in chat was a helpful word of advice, and yet the moment Schlatt learned that RT was watching the stream, he started talking shit
  • @wallegg1499
    That jack manifold mii clone really captures his horrifying repugnance
  • @michaeld808s
    50cc baby park no items is somehow more anxiety inducing than regular
  • This vod channel is doing surprising well, shows how talented he is on making a stream consistently entertaining
  • @wendaled
    literally no other media in this world can hold my attention for as long as schlatt videos. you are a gift, man. this resurgence and rewriting of your career is so incredible to watch. this video of MARIO KART got me fucked up
  • @J0seph_Mother
    I'm so mad how they ruined coconut mall, the best part about that map is how small you felt driving through this massive mall with like 20 different paths but in this new one everything's so much smaller and most people just stick to one path cause its laid out in such a linier way, actually just ruined the best map ever
  • @YoutubePizzer
    The worst part is they could’ve made it better if they just made some new courses that weren’t ports from mario kart tour it would’ve been a bit better. Like every single one of these tracks was designed for a mechanically different game
  • @tokenofdreams
    love the duality if the one person in chat saying “DONT LOSE PLEASE” and the person immediately after them saying “lose.”
  • @BabyCocoMan
    I did not expect Schlatt to be so good at Mariokart lmfao
  • @arcticfox9056
    54:19 The amount of times 'schlatt' gets hit within the next minute is rly funny to me
  • @wormicide3651
    There were parts during this stream where I cheered. I get sports fans now
  • @jasonmyneni8605
    Schlatt knowing RT means that he has a connection to Jacksepticeye and thus Markiplier and Pewdiepie. now THAT would be some interesting content.
  • @UmmMoth
    1:19:17 Toad impressions got me cryin. Watched it a good ten times and couldn’t stop crying.
  • @KGntry
    "all right we did all dlc" "see you in 4 months" HOW DID RT KNOW
  • @deegobooster
    Watching Schlatt sight read the new maps at 200cc is cool
  • @royalfox3771
    Pog more Mario cart, you were so good on the last vod, and it was very interesting. Thank you Jschlatt.
  • @TurnipBoy
    I love rtgame so much I can't wait to see if he does more content with these guys not to be sappy but they all make me so happy :)