Most Venomous | Wild Ones | Episode 10 | Free Documentary Nature

Publicado 2021-12-08
Wild Ones - Episode 10: Most Venomous | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Ones - Episode 11' here:    • Great Migration | Wild Ones | Episode...  

The arid interior of Australia is home to the world most venomous snake – the yellow-brown fierce snake. This coiled beauty is actually far from fierce but should the shy serpent bite, the most toxic of all snake venoms is discharged accompanied by a spreading agent that increases the rate the neurotoxic venom is absorbed.

Wild Ones finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family elationships and defense mechanisms, courtship and mating rituals.


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The arid interior of Australia is home to the world's most venomous snake – the yellow-brown fierce snake. This coiled beauty is actually far from fierce but should the shy serpent bite, the most toxic of all snake venoms is discharged accompanied by a spreading agent that increases the rate the neurotoxic venom is absorbed. Wild Ones finds inspiration in the rhythms of nature as shown through the wonders of the animal kingdom. It explores different aspects of animal behavior, including hunting techniques and feeding habits, family relationships and defense mechanisms, courtship, and mating rituals. Watch 'Wild Ones - Episode 11' here: #nature #freedocumentary
  • @OchoVerde
    That's awesome!! Love those Gila Monsters!! We love finding venomous snakes!
  • @helazemni1683
    Wow these camera people are true talents through and trough 👍🏻❤️what phenomenal situations/angels they catched with the camera is just incredible ❤️👍🏻
  • @davidkiria661
    Animal documentary directors are as underrated as animals themselves
  • If you look deeply enough, you will see music, the heart of nature is music everywhere.
  • @rayberczik7251
    I like how they get such phenomenal video of these creatures while their in their nest. Amazing!
  • @saragrant9749
    Documentaries like this just continue to reinforce my lack of desire to ever go to Australia. Too many things there that can kill you.
  • Other than people testing their internet and devices. Can u wait a second to admire how beautiful the video is and animals and stuff nature at its best
  • @hrtearth
    Wow, this video on the most venomous wild creatures is both fascinating and nerve-wracking! Nature's incredible diversity never fails to amaze me, but it's a stark reminder of the importance of respecting the wild and understanding the delicate balance that exists. Kudos to the creator for shedding light on these extraordinary creatures.
  • @Rocio1988
    These small creatures have these deadlest weapons for survive in their natural environment, in facts the venon is the most powerful between the animal kingdom that can kill a human being in hours. 🐍🦎🕷🕸 thanks for sharing this wonderful episodes. Great job💯
  • @barrywillis6888
    Great doco ... blue ringed octopus are also found in the Indian Ocean.
  • @relitent
    Ahh yes, bedtime awaits me. The 6 hour slumber I'm about to receive by turning this video on is second to none.
  • @TigerTigz.
    A large python may be the biggest was found in Indonesia a few weeks ago.
  • @animeislife337
    That was so interesting! I think the Funnel Web Spider would the most dangerous to humans here.