If I Ran Lucasfilm, Here's What I'd Do

Published 2024-06-15
Lucasfilm has had a bumpy few years. I put on my Emperor's robe and list several things I'd do if I had unlimited power.

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All Comments (21)
  • Hey everyone - I obviously needed to add more clarity around my Force Is Female comments. I should’ve gone more into its origins with Nike, which I didn’t. It was an example of a larger point, and not a very good one out of context. I do believe that despite its origins, wearing the shirt as the head of Lucasfilm was still making a statement. I don’t think there’s any way you couldn’t think that would be the case. And my main point of letting the work speak for itself stands. But I should’ve gone deeper there and I didn’t. So, a note for me in the future and an asterisk on that part of the video.
  • @calebrobotart
    Dear LucasFilm, Don't tell us you're making a movie, until...you're making the movie.
  • When the internet floated around the idea of Sebastian Stan playing Luke I thought it was one of the most brilliant casting choices. It's a shame that was never actually explored.
  • @stizanley3987
    Make Howard the Duck the flagship franchise. Solves all problems at once.
  • @jordana4910
    Rather than recast OT characters, I would simply avoid the use of them at all, unless it's in a Legends capacity. No need for Canon to touch The Skywalker Saga ever again.
  • The force is female is such a weird concept to me considering pre-disney era had characters like the Night Sisters, Leia, Padme, Ahsoka and it's not even like there was an explicit rule it had to be about boys beforehand.
  • @R0krSam
    #1. RESPECT THE FANS : those are your customers. And if you just keep engaging in a war with them it is a lost battle already
  • @alexp601
    Disney did the same to the MCU, they tried to churn out as much content as possible, regardless of quality, and that ran the franchise into the ground. Then they did the same for Star Wars. Shows they care more about money than producing good content.
  • I always imagine that in front of the camera is Ryan George's producer guy. Who probably counters each argument you make with "....but money?"
  • @thatoneguy1821
    What I would do if I ran LucasFilm: 1. Release a High Quality 4k edition of the original Star Wars trilogy without all the special edition changes 2. Release High Quality 4k editions of other classics 3. Step Back. Walk Away
  • @arturius9715
    KK has had so many chances to course correct that it's unbelievable. Her chance to get back on track was after the sequel trilogy
  • @jabbart
    "Lucasfilm was created on imagination and creative ambition"... this is the main reason Disney can't do anything but Star Wars. They lack both of these.
  • @Danrod96
    The answer is simple. Slow down, build hype, be more deliberate. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Stop showering us with stuff to watch and start thinking more critically about what is being released. I think the best thing a media franchise can do is let people miss you. It Marvel announced Iron Man or Captain America 4 right now with RDJ or Chris Evans, it would make a billion dollars because people will have had time to miss those characters. Same with Star Wars. TFA was the highest debut weekend in history because it was the first new Star Wars live action in over a decade.
  • @ElBandido_1
    There’s still so much to get out of Star Wars, they just need scripts that don’t suck lmao.
  • @gardamun
    There's so much empty talk about how to "solve" Star Wars. All of this discussion goes away when you make an interesting and compelling story. Everything disappears. If The Acolyte was blowing people away with amazing acting, great storytelling, a feeling of wonder etc..., the negative voices would be silenced or ignored. In my opinion, Andor is one of the best things to come out of the new age of Star Wars. And Andor had in its DNA some of the same things that people are raging about with The Acolyte, but there was almost no large controversy or arguments about it. Because they made an amazing story that fans got invested in. And the writing wasn't preachy or predictable. I didn't agree with everything in Andor, but that's not my goal when I watch a good story. I don't need to agree with all the values being presented. With Andor, you ended every episode (provided you liked it) and wanted to see the next one. And it's not because it was different and it didn't have Jedi or the force, it's because it was a fracken interesting story which is why we are bothering to watch these things in the first place. So, the easy solution: WRITE INTERESTING STORIES or please stop!!! The volume doesn't have any impact if you are writing good stories. There was a lot of time between the original Star Wars and Episode I, which had very many issues (some of them painful). It's all about the script, the directing, and the cast. Stop green-lighting bad, uninteresting, half-assed, stories.
  • @ClarkwBrunson
    First things first change the name to MurrellFilm😂😂
  • If I ran Lucasfilm I would just release the fkng original trilogy unaltered on 4k and call it a day.
  • @joecamps1119
    I would also add move away from The Volume tech. They invented it so they could create Star Wars on a budget and it shows. It makes these shows feel so small, shooting practically did wonders for Andor.
  • @ToonamiT0M
    The frustrating thing about Dan's "If I Ran..." videos is he always has the best, most reasonable solutions to the problems he addresses, but the studios will never do any of it. The studio heads are not and never have been creative people. They have never cared about the story and the art. They got to where they are because they are good at playing the corporate game and slithering into positions of control. That mind set only gets you in. After that the exec is completely lost.
  • @TaoistWay
    It’s all about quality, Star Wars always was ahead of its time with strong female lead, major black characters. We were all excited to get good stories but most of the new stuff is just poor. I’m sorry but Rey is not a good character. She had no arc . Agree that they should recast and do heir to the empire but they need to erase the sequel trilogy. Leia was such a key character in the heir series, so much better arc than Rey. Leia becomes a mother, a Jedi knight, a leader, and overcome huge challenges.