Obama Bites Dog

Published 2012-04-18
To counter the story of the Romneys' pet dog on the roof, Romney campaign strategists unearth a story from Obama's childhood. In a passage from the President's biography "Dreams from My Father," they discover that the President once had eaten dog as a child growing up in Indonesia. It didn't say that he liked it though but said that he found it "tough."

All Comments (14)
  • @nothri
    In other words, any solution that doesn't involve some form of tax increase in next few years is not a solution at all.
  • @ABGAN100
    How do we know he hasn't eaten dog sense, and in the autobiography it doesn't say that it was a one time event, It say's he was introduced to dog, suggesting that their were many other occasions in which he had the opportunity to eat dog in his life!
  • No sir, it's a taboo to eat dog here in Indonesia. But like all taboo, some people just want to try.
  • @ABGAN100
    did you even read the entire Post It was a rhetorical question.
  • @ABGAN100
    again how dose any one know that he only ate dog as a child, how do we know he hasn't eaten dog as an adult in his memoirs he said he was introduced to dog meat, not that it was a one time thing, In mid-1981, Obama traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister Maya, who's to say he didn't take some time to sample some more dog cuisine?
  • @ArtWeClever
    Romney transports his dog in a dog carrier. Obama transports his dog in a doggy bag.
  • @mueygringo
    Obama stole my dog and ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  • @ABGAN100
    big difference one is highly improbable the other is highly likely Obama did after all return to Indonesia as an adult! most american children are introduced to eating chicken as children just as most continue to eat chicken as adults!
  • @nothri
    Reality check there, bro. The US budget has three BIG sinkholes in it- military spending, social security and medicare. What your talking about when you say the US should spend more or less is everything leftover in the budget after those things- about 10% of the overall amount. Spending less of that 10% will not make a dent when military hardware, cost of living for the elderly, and medical treatments are getting more expensive.
  • @ABGAN100
    Obama loved his dog cooked with chili peppers and rice!
  • @757optim
    A comment on an "improvised country" is the "Top Comment"? No wonder Obama got elected.