Born In Darkness - Motivational Video

Published 2014-05-09

All Comments (21)
  • @lifeofhyphen
    10 years later, I’m still watching. This changed my life. Thank you.
  • @anthonyzullo
    August 2nd, 2014 I was struck by a car in a crosswalk and was paralyzed. Told me I'd never walk again and my fiance at the time believed them so she slept with my lifelong best friend out of grief. I also lost my self made career and suffered much else. I listened to this channel day in and day out. It got me to walk again. Wanna know the story, dm me lol
  • A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
  • @AldosWorldTV
    I love people who make stuff like this so we can keep fighting ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @Dragnoxz
    This video gave me chills. I want to be a fighter pilot, and about four years ago, I had no chance at all. I had no middle school or high school education. I had a very bad time, I was in survival mode, living off of a garden I grew for food, and chickens a neighbor gave me for helping with their yard. It was winter, no power, snowing out, when I took a shower, the floor of the shower cracked with ice, and the water was so cold that I pulled muscles from the uncontrolled shivering. I got sick, a neighbor helped me get better, then took me to a mental health center. My interview with a therapist resulted in him giving me a card for a GED center. Eventually I got power back, internet, then messaged the GED center, then that neighbor started taking me there (she had nothing else better to do). After a few months, I got my GED, started working next door on a construction site, then my boss taught me how to drive, gave me advice about college, then the following Christmas, he bought me an old car, after I got my drivers license. I got into a junior college, struggled through math, then got very good with English and some other classes, and graduated five semester later. Not, I am on my first semester at a university, attacking Aerospace Engineering, while in the Air Force ROTC program. My GPA is currently a 3.24. I am struggling with Chemistry and Trig, but am slowly learning what I need to in order to get ahead. The entire time, I have had many put me down, tell me I will never make it, and will never be a fighter pilot, that it is too hard, that I am not smart enough, that I will fall flat on my face. When I was in middle school (was taken out not even half way through the first semester because of bad teachers), the teacher told me I will end up on the streets holding a sign for food, or whatever. What got me here is the advice given to me by those who cared. The advice I got was to take steps, to learn every class as as much as I possibly could. Because if I don't take steps, I will stay on the ground, and never make it to the sky. What I did so far was climb out of a basement, and have climbed up a few levels. Now I can see that I have a very good change to be a fighter pilot, to make my dreams come true, and to prove those fuckers who put me down wrong. What keeps me going is knowing that others told me I would never make it in to a college, or would never graduate. Knowing I have graduated has proven to myself that I can do it, and now I am striving for the top. The ammo to my will is proving wrong those who told me I can't. Tell me I can't do something, and watch me prove them wrong by doing it. I won't let those fuckers tell me it can't be done, because I did it, and am doing it. The sky is the limit, and beyond that is space, and there are no limits in space.
  • @Vrankxs
    1 Year ago i red a book that changed my mind set about life, i got starting doing different things, one of those was watching this vids. They got me motivated to do workouts i lost 25 kg in 3 months from 100kg to 75, this vids give me so much drive to go on. I still watch them when my motivation gets low. Thanks alot man, Peace
  • @chrisfuryguitar
    The heart of a champion is a light switch that's always on - it doesn't go on and off when someone's watching - its constant
  • @hellasarmy2571
    Success is a very, very lonely road. Very few people are willing to make the sacrifices and take the pain to be successful. It’s an uphill battle and along that road, you’re not going to see too many friends. You’re going to see your shadow most often !
  • @TheMiro0r
    Video probably won't be available on phones, because of copyrights. Sorry for that.
  • Watching this before my finals. I AM GOING TO NAIL THAT SHIT. Thanks Mateusz ;D
  • @coolnikhil020
    Your videos are a great help for people fighting depression without medication. Thank you
  • @Joeyal123
    to find success you must not be afraid to leave the safe path. safety is not the way to success
  • @anthonyzullo
    Championships arnt won in the theater of the arena...the most inspirational thing I ever needed to hear. If you need an audience to win you've already lost.
  • @c.a.demarco
    Your videos helped me realise it's normal what I'm experiencing: The lack of results at the very beginning, the defeat, the tears, the mind's deception of the ones who are fighting everyday for their dreams and who never give up. Thank you for sharing!
  • @noxagen
    for 9 years, this giving me power
    10 years later and you and these videos have saved my life. They still have the same impact on me as if it’s always the first time watching these. Thank you buddy.