Published 2015-07-31
You have all become such great friends and support to me over the last 5 years! So in a moment of exhaustion, I wanted to vent to my friends. I hope that is okay. YES, things suck right now. BUT I know it could be way worse. I have a beautiful family and I love them dearly! And life will move on!

All Comments (21)
  • The whole time I was thinking "just move! Just move!" Then I was so glad you said you plan to. That sounds like a crazy neighborhood, blowing up your mailbox and the vandalism... I'm so sorry! I hope things get better and definitely everyone has bad days... You're not alone! :)
  • @RedUmbrellaMama
    You're SO not alone!! I really appreciate your honesty. So many mamas out there pretend to be perfect in every way and have flawless lives with constantly well-behaved children and it's just not reality. We all have rough days and motherhood is TOUGH! You guys are doing an amazing job and you have a beautiful family. I hope everything mellows out with the house. Sounds like some bad juju! 😳
  • @CaliBabyMomma
    --virtual hugs--- <3 sorry to hear all the bad juju !!! smudge your house! lol hope things turn around soon
  • @randv213
    Awe sounds like you need a hug! Remember this season will pass! God knows what your going through, this is just the Devil trying to drag you down. You must be doing something right if hes picking on you! Dont give up, give it to God! He will get you through. HUGS!!! xoxo
  • @smoovmomma
    What an awful situation to be in. I am so sorry you are going through that and so glad you will be moving soon. Take care and you have a great attitude about all of it.
  • @snookie65
    Boy, it's difficult to keep a smile on one's face when you are feeling defeated. You guys are amazing people & there is light at the end of this tunnel. Everything will work out for the best, you hang in there! As for kids lying, every kid goes through that stage & will test their parents to the limit. Always follow through with punishments, never waver. Give kids an inch & they will take a mile. Trust me, it will all get better. I'm sorry you are struggling.   ((hugs))
  • @jennib5070
    Hang in there Bryton. Things will get better. We all go through rough patches and we have great testimonies when we come out of them. Keep your head up and use all of these as teachable moments for your kiddos. *Sending you hugs*
  • @debtisdum
    Love you mama! Hang in there! This life is tough and its getting worse. Keep praying and allow room for God to move! Oregon is always a good option:)
  • I will be praying for you guys. When life gets crazy for me I have to sing in my head count your many blessing name them one by one so I will say as many as I can and them it seems more manageable. My mom turned my name into the Temple this week because I was under so much stress. Just a thought
  • @Debtfreeby43
    Oh honey :( hugs we've been having a hard time too lately. I am so there with you on the kids. My two oldest fight so bad, and it makes me want to cry sometimes. Not physical, just "he's looking at me!!!" And after a long day of work it wears me thin. Then I feel guilty for being short. We are also having things break too. I was on maternity leave with my little girl and took 3 weeks unpaid, my car broke twice, now my dishwasher went out. Now I feel I have guilt for taking that time off with her, We are trying to do DR and I feel like we are just tumbling in the dirt. SIGH. I also try to be optimistic, but sometimes that can be exhausting as well. I feel equally defeated. But! Things can only get so bad before they get better, right? Isn't that what "rock bottom" is? Well let me hit the bottom so hard I come flying back up!!!
  • So sorry about your bad luck :( so glad you get to move next spring
  • Brytonmylife I subscribed to your channel because you and your family are cool and I hope your new life will have good luck and good karma i'll prey for you and your family that it does☺.
  • @aane821
    Destroying a mailbox is actually a felony. My cousin went to jail for that when he was a teen. And what kind of awful person destroys kids' toys?! That's just horrible. Sorry your house hasn't been a good experience for you. We are selling out first house now that we fixed up and then had to rent out and are now losing money on it. Selling it less for what we bought it and still getting stuck doing repairs in order to sell it. We just can't wait to be done with it. I hope things start getting better for you!
  • @9racing9
    I like the "flip it" idea. Hang in there!
  • Oh my goodness , that's scary, especially with kids!... What kind of people lived in the house before you?..could the people who are vandalizing your home, believe the past owners still live there?...Stay save, and hang in there girl!
  • @didine256
    Damn, where the hell do you live ? You're taking the right decision, to move, neighborhood doesn't seems safe. Hope everything will be better soon, take care.