Fortnite Chapter 5 Storyline - The Return of Midas

Published 2024-01-26

All Comments (21)
  • @yashgundaniya300
    "What did the ocean say to the beach?" "Nothing, it just waved."
  • @bob440
    I’ve seen a pretty cool theory going around that Montague is Midas’ brother. The idea is that his diamond abilities are a parallel to Midas’ gold, and Midas is secretly controlling the Society from the shadows, as it was Montague who proposed the idea to the rest and supposedly tricked them into thinking Valeria would be in charge, meanwhile he and Midas are really pulling the strings.
  • @thedarkone7887
    Bro, imagine a fortnite story mode, thats fully fleshed out and uses each season's storyline? You keep the exact same map, you do various missions using all the mechanics(cars, mantling etc) and get full voice acted cutscenes like they do for events. You can make it co-op pve or solo, but i cant be the only one who thinks that would be so incredibly sick. You could even take some inspiration from Save The World or rework it entirely. I just feel like im often driving through the map during a BR match and thinking how amazing everything would be to take in a story mode. As it stands, the map and all its mechanics just feel like a playground for the Hunger games... You can't fully appreciate anything really as youre always just concerned about the next fight and staying alive.
  • @flameman1188
    I still say Midas is controlling The Society and took Peely because he was a double-agent back in C2S2 👀
  • @kitsune2909
    I’m also pretty sure Valeria is a snapshot of geno as her design is quite similar, her ambitions fit the personality, and even her music pack is a remix of the io theme. Snapshot or not I think she’s tied to him in some way
  • @mariomanuel3639
    What if Midas is teaming with the dude who can turn all diamond? Imagine, a man who can turn full our gold, and a guy who can turn full diamond, teaming.
  • @mossy_2137
    It woulda been pretty lit if Montague had a diamond touch, similar to Midas’s golden touch
  • @HolidayGamer305
    Nisha has to be supplying the guards because they all have a similar mask
  • @Banana9607_
    According to Midas's impending arrival, the Greek god Dionysus gave him his abilities. There are numerous clues hinting at a Greek theme for the upcoming season. Could the upcoming season include Midas's origins through the season?
  • @Yawgmoth81
    Yeah! Our Fortnite Lore king is back with the new lore!
  • @Twekion
    I feel like if Midas comes back, he'd want to bring back the original Chapter 2 Map, which would be a nice Segway into this year's Season OG, instead of it being Chapter 1 again, it could be Chapter 2
  • @KamonShirow
    Always nice to see these videos again. Keep up the great work. You're awesome.
  • @tyiqx
    Just in time, thanks for the great video again .
  • @yeetus8132
    I hope shadow and ghost team up to fight the Society
  • @justbuawan6654
    Best dive into the Chapter 5 storyline I’ve seen yet, thx.
  • @bubba8701
    You're excited for Midas coming back for the lore, I'm excited he's coming back so I can play his theme in the guitar hero mode We are not the same
  • @Sans-Xero77
    The zero point is still around we still have the storm