Forcing 100 Players to Ascend in Minecraft

Publicado 2022-01-07
Forcing 100 Players to Ascend in Minecraft. Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part II expanded the world height and depth while revamping generation, and amplified worlds became even crazier in Minecraft 1.18 than they'll even been. I forced 100 players to try and climb from bedrock level all the way up to the new build limit, and it was absolutely crazy and hilarious. Don't worry though, I'm not so cruel as to make lava / water rise every minute or make the world fall apart, or make them try and ascend for a 100 days in hardcore.

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Edited by Redtro:    / @redtro5795  

Featuring @EightSidedSquare

#Minecraft #100Players #doctor4t

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Honestly, the rise of gamer had me in tears. What a touching story. Betrayed by their gods at first and then given the chance to be a messiah.
  • @LennyTheSniper
    11:00 LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I WON LEGITIMATELY but sadly got killed by someone who doesn't know how to make commands.
  • @MistressCrab
    the best part was how some of the winners just went to y=6969 and sat there for the entire challenge after they won
  • @Luxintrus
    The more time I spent climbing the mountain, the more I questioned my sanity
  • @Daybroken
    This was a really fun event! I loved being a part of it.
  • @makomatoi
    I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of beautiful chaos. Controlled chaos, as I call it. It's a rare form of block arrangement that you can only really find in minigames such as Bedwars, Skywars, or The Bridge. It's extremely unique, hence why I like it so much.
  • @MoriyaShiine
    "you know I'm sus" - doctor fourty amogus in the thumbnail btw
  • @Nettakrim
    this was very fun to be a part of, lots fun stories to tell like the multiple people me and lufd murdered in cold blood, or the difficulty of getting all the resources needed to build the lava crossing shown at 10:46 (when me and lufd arrived at the people there, we offered the rare resource of bamboo), lots of the people in that group didnt even manage to ascend (i think only me, morkva and treecurse did, lufd definitely didnt in any case)
  • @neonshiji3595
    The end part is basically: “You are being saved, please do not resist.”
  • @longarcher1413
    I died so many times just trying to get to the top. After the first death i didn’t have anything so i found a partially mined staircase in the east and just started breaking the stone with my fists. It took a while but i got there in the end.
  • @braixenchan7791
    Idea: Make a mod,where mobs can adapt to the damage. Basically: when someone will kill creepers with sword and only sword over and over again the new creepers will take less damage from the sword attacks. And if player will still kill them this way the damage ressistance will increase.
  • @letelier295
    Look mom, im on tv! While i wasn't part of it, watching the chaos unfold was really entertaining. Looking forward to the next stream!
  • @hiimapop7755
    Genuinely love the subtitles. I know its a lot of work to add, but hopefully videos in the future can also get custom subs. Awesome video as always, Doc. :)
  • @SunDry_Marchy
  • @jugsjudy5930
    This event was super fun, loved watching the stream!
  • @ultimomo4007
    Man u have quality content u deserve more subs
  • @arken2583
    hey, that’s me at 12:39 getting abandoned by my companion and killed by a shulker! internal sobbing