3 Story Hints For The Next Horizon

Published 2023-09-17

All Comments (21)
  • @tayjn
    I admire your restraint to not name-drop VAST SILVER in this video
  • @maxleroux
    Don't forget about Elysium! If we get to see it in the third game, I'm hoping for a "7 Seeds" type of situation. Keep in mind that Elysium was built not just to house the workers of Zero Dawn but also their immediate families, including their children. One of them was a freaking newborn baby for crying out loud! Spending your entire existence in an underground survival bunker just waiting to die doesn't sound like any kind of life to me, so it would be awesome if some of the scientists used their time to perfect cryonic preservation and give their children a new world to wake up to. Also keep in mind that they probably had no clue what Ted Faro was up to with his Omega Clearance at the time and were expecting a far different future than the one they got.
  • @TheWhiplashKid
    Some really good ideas there. I think the Quen Empire will play a large part of 3's story. Just from the Burning Shores story it feels like an empire on the brink of revolution. Be an interesting twist from fighting rebels to being a rebel.
  • @DarkPuck
    I have the feeling we haven’t seen the last of Travis “Black Hat” Tate. I’ve also now seen a “Ramses Project” mentioned twice— once by Trav himself, and once in a Burning Shores datapoint.
  • @Hyopomora
    I’m excited for future machines the most, but I really hope vast silver plays a larger role in the third game But we shall see
  • @eatonu
    I’ve had this theory for awhile that they would have to head East at some point and not “east” like Japan or China like actually East to find Vast Silver and most likely to Virginia. The main reasons for this is Mount Weather and there are massive data transmission lines buried throughout Loudoun Country especially near Dulles. There are huge data centers everywhere in that area so between that and Mount Weather they would make good places for Vast Silver to hide durning the Faro Plague.
  • @kingairmech7162
    If watchers are still in the gane they should develope the ability to record and playback humans voices. When I first player Zero Dawn, I seriously thought Olara was the voice of a watcher that was parroting a human. I was torn between running the other way and going to its aide. I wanted to see if it was setting up an ambush in cooperation with a more deadly machine. That would have been a fitting introduction to watchers and scrappers. Although I haven't played Forbidden West and beyond, It seems like a plausible symbiotic relationship.
  • @addisonwelsh
    I came up with a bit of a theory for the third game a while back. Not sure how realistic it is, but it's a thought. What if we're able to use the Zenith shuttle to travel between the eastern US and Quen territory in East Asia, with the Odyssey itself acting as our base instead of the mountain repair facility from Forbidden West?
  • @NLaertes
    Isnt the Oddysey also still in orbit of Earth? I was imagining Sylens and Aloy was going up there as a side quest in the Zenith shuttle to explore all their technology and potential A.I. to combat Nemesis
  • @Snot_Rockets
    Sad well probably never get to see the Claim or the actual true Banuk area. Yeah I know Zero Dawn had the DLC for the Banuk but that wasn’t the true area of where the Banuk are or reside.
  • @ArktixOfficial
    Love this topic RSQ! I also really like CYAN and hope it can play a role in H3. It would be super cool if we had to venture back to The Cut to talk CYAN into helping us since it’s afraid to receive GAIA's messages. Perhaps CYAN will merge with GAIA in an attempt to match Nemesis’s power…
  • @sweetimmortalife
    I think Hephaestus is going to create Specter or “Prime” versions of machines and that’s the new machine variant we will be attesting in H3.
  • I honestly don't believe Aloy will be able to recapture Hephaestus, at least without Sylens help. I think a more likely scenario is Hephaestus will realize that he can't defeat Nemesis alone and his best bet will be to work with Aloy. I also imagine that he doesn't want to be a subordinate function under Gaia and would rather maintain his own independence. I think Hephaestus can be convinced to stop hunting human. But Aloy would likewise have to convince humans to stop hunting machines that he creates.
  • @hyliannikki
    I am PRAYING that GG doesn't introduce a spider machine. I will literally cry
  • Londra mentioning Metallurgic has me convinced we will be returning to the Nora lands in the next instalment. I am replaying HZD right now and the very first vantage point Aloy can find in Devil's Thirst depicts an office building, and Bashar Mati notes that it's incredible that Metallurgic once had its HQ there. It's the one spot we know that Metallurgic has been, even if implied they left at some point. But with Zo headed to the Sacred Lands also, it'd make sense for Aloy to meet up with her there and perhaps delving deeper into this bit. I know many believe and/or hope that we will go across the Pacific to The Great Quen Delta but there's still the entire Midwest and East Coast for Aloy to explore, and it seems, with our limited info, that the corporations Londra mentioned are HQ'd in the US. And on a more interpersonal level, I for one am stoked to see Zo's unshakeable grace meet Sona; the warchief who went AWOL to avenge her daughter, who raised child warriors, and a zealous Nora faithful. How Sona will take the news of Varl's death is going to be one helluva blow. How the news of her grandchild might shake her, especially as they will be mothered by a non-Nora. And I am dying to see how the Nora are faring with their rebuilding efforts and how they might have changed their xenophobic ways in wake of their near wipeout.
  • @The80Kat
    This game is so underrated, glad to see some love for this.
  • @wannasalad
    Whatever happens i just hope to see more Beta and Beta and Aloy working together ❤ Edit to add: if anyone noticed, there's a map of the Delta region on Aloy's bed back at the base by the end of HFW
  • @stream_gene
    Theory: The consciousness of Peter Tshivhumbe, founder of Far Zenith and pioneer of digital consciousness, was somehow included onto the Odyssey's database, perhaps in secret. When the experiments of the Zeniths failed to render digital consciousness and were locked away, it was Peter's digitised mind, it being driven mad by the years of loneliness (perhaps an oversight on his part) that fuelled those failed experiments into becoming Nemesis, driving this new entity into attacking the Zenith's and plotting Earths destruction.
  • @amidtownfarewell
    An AI that has been lying dormant here on earth this whole time? So we’re thinking Vast Silver right? I’m not a betting man but I’d almost put money on that.