Small Talk | An Autie's Guide to Neurotypical Social Skills Ep. 3 [CC]

Published 2023-01-25
Small talk. One of the worst and most awkward things in the history of ever. I would say “for an autistic person” but I have never heard anyone, regardless of neurotype, seem even vaguely pleased at the concept.
The thing is, though, it is kinda important for networking, making new friends, job interviews, getting along with those cousins you only see once a year, and also just for regular conversations with your best friends. So today we're gonna talk about small talk, why it sucks, and some tips and tricks to get better at it.

Learn about other social skills things here -    • An Autie's Guide to Neurotypical Soci... …
Why Small Talk Sucks -    • why small talk sucks  
An Autistic Social Butterfly’s Guide to Making Friends -…
The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
Autism & small talk - @neurodivergent_lou on instagram
Autism Resources:
Ultimate resource guide -
How to support an autistic person -…
Help! I think I’m autistic -…
Unmasking/How to Start Over -…
Hey! I just had an album come out! You can check it out here -

Also a new EP you can check out here -    • Bold full  

If you want to support me financially, you can…
Buy me a smoothie! -
My Music:
Alive (Single) -
Start Over (Album) -
The Confused Linguist (Album) -

Find me on Bandcamp -

Check out my #ActuallyAutistic playlist made of entirely autistic artists!…
Hello my dears!
My name is Sydney and I’m an actor/singer-songwriter who writes music about my experiences being autistic, disabled, gay, gender fluid and in general, a human. My goal is to fill musical gaps and write about things people often forget to make music about. I’m also a vintage enthusiast and disability advocate (among other things). I’ve now released 3 albums and, most importantly, my favorite color is buttercup yellow.
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Email - [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • Wow, I have never watched a video about these things and this literally sums up how I feel about conversing. This is amazing.
  • @jonaskoelker
    One useful thing I've heard, paraphrased by me, is "small talk is prospecting." [Prospecting is when you have a plot of land and you go looking for indicators of oil, gold or other delicious and profitable treats from the mineral kingdom.] What are you prospecting for? The opportunity for a friendship or other less shallow social connection. Or maybe just the opportunity for a shallow but still enjoyable social connection. How to do it? One strategy I want to try out is talking not just about the weather, but about how the weather relates to me and what it means to me. them> "It sure is windy today" me> "Yeah. The sunlight is nice, but the wind makes it hard to play card games in the park/garden/balcony/outdoors." them> [...] me> if they talked about card games, maybe mention the wind is a good opportunity to play board games indoors. Down this road you might get to "Do you like board games too?" and "Oh, you like [insert game here] too?! Wanna play it some time?" me> if they talk about their own hobbies and how it relates to the wind: ask a question about it, maybe about an aspect you think interests both parties, or else about something you'd like to learn about. me> if they just talk about more weather: mention that wind is best suited for indoor hobbies, ask if they have any. This is for small talk with strangers and the very new people in your life you don't know deeply yet. When you're having close friends over, "hi how are you and the weather" (or whatever) is just the opening line that gets the conversation started.
  • @MrShavrgo
    oh my god your talking speed is perfect I feel like everyone talks so slow and express their points in a manner of waste of time. I normally 1.5 speed lol xD instant sub :D
  • Your inflection is incredibly readable and I love how you talk fast enough that I don’t get bored but clearly enough so I can absorb everything! I really love how you explain how different neurotypes socialize with varying levels of depth, it was easy to understand and visualize.
  • omg the way you described the suffering of getting thru small talk as an autistic person was sooooo accurate <3 lolll
  • @mariewilliams194
    Hi great video. I think it's best that people with autism and ADHD learn about narcissistic behavior. To help with socializing with people. I always took it personally if people were rude and snobby and criticizing me or were laughing at me. Narcissistic people lack empathy and are not thinking about people's feelings. I always wondered why people were being rude or would make faces when I was talking to them. If people show disrespect they lack respect. What people say and do is all about them. A lot of people are too focused on themselves. They might lack tolerance with people and get snappy with people. Because they are too busy thinking about themselves and their problems. People might be snobby and critical with people with autism or ADHD . Because they don't have the same issues going on with themselves. That's why people with ADHD or Autism should not care about what others people say or do. What I have learned by observing disrespectful people. Is to understand they are only thinking about themselves. That's why people might be rude or over react and make a fuss about nothing. If we ignore drama we will feel calmer. I have noticed that a lot of people like pretending they are wonderful and perfect but they lack respect. It's best people with autism keep calm and carry on.
  • @monikamoon14
    That video description made me chuckle hard. Thank you 🙏
  • this video is so amazing and so helpful!!!! i’ve always been told my conversing feels like an interrogation!
  • @run.babayaga
    Oh my god thank you, THANK YOU I'm new at my job and don't want to talk about being autistic but people see me as kinda weird even if i try to talk to them NOW I CAN LEARN PATTERNS. Thank you again from Switzerland, I'm so MOTIVATED TO DO SMALL TALK TOMORROW!!!
  • I looked this up after leaving work just now. I have a job that most people would hate- I'm a life model. No one speaks to me while I'm working but after the artist/instructor regularly makes small talk and I have to participate. Today he said, "blah blah winter something" and I said "well it's almost March, that's nearly spring in my book" and he said, "you got that right!" Then I said good to see you again and left and I was like, 'Hwhyyyy.... Did we just do that?!" But you're right. I have to locate my own jobs, I rely on other artists in and around Philly to key me into places where I could find modeling jobs. If I'm happily but silently walking off, I might not work for weeks.
  • @SuperKeithers
    i feel like an alien in conversations sometimes, some people feel tricky to vibe with, and sometimes my vibes feel impossible, vOv but we try and it works out most the time somehow \o/ ooo, i like this game metaphor, the glowstick connectors lolol
  • @gsonDEV
    this is amazing, thank you so much
  • @Tyler-Bayleaf
    I ask people all the time if they want problem solving or just need to vent too!
  • @Sunl1ght_
    She said it sucks 😂. Yea i agree it sucks that it's necessary for neurotypicals. I tend to tell the honest answers and people are uncomfortable, and i avoid people because conversation is a car crash and then they don't like that either. Can't ever win😅
  • @hi-og6fn
    So i wanna talk to my friends right and i often text on the gc bc no one else does much and i say stuff like "what did u do in life" "wyd this week or today" to find out what bc i want to know tbf, apart from eating and toilet and stuff i mean how was school and outings but the one who always replies ALWAYS SAYS "nothing much" and it cant mean she doesent like me bc we are supposed to be besties and meet up sometimes (used to be more often) can anyone tell me what they think this means bc i want to chat with her for some reason probably bc we nearly never do, then i will sometimes say something i like that i did or not like but am currently doing and she will always say tiny phrases like "cool" "nice" no emotion and totally different from me who nearly always tries to reply to every message and like this "SO COOL OMG" or "AMAZING" OR "WOW"
  • Hippos are like the deadliest animal in africa, I think I heard that, they got a bad attitude, lol.