Most Americans plan to watch Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes

Published 2024-06-25

All Comments (21)
  • Why should anyone watch this debate. There is LITERALLY nothing the convicted felon and could say or do to get me to vote for him against the country's best interest.
  • @WarnTwice
    If you're a trump supporter and you choose to NOT watch the debates live and unedited. You're just proving us all right, that MAGA is willfully ignorant.
  • I'll bet Don Von Shitzinpantz is going to have an emergency and bail befor the debate.
  • Who wouldn't want to watch Trump cement his top position in the most buffoonish buffoon contest of the decade?
  • Yes, e everyone will watch the debate, however, what can Biden bring up to the debate podium, southern border crisis, economy bad, not respect by the world.
  • I know who I'm going to vote for, no need to watch. The debate is rigged !!!
  • @upgrade1015
    Can’t wait to see AP and CNN and MSNBC compete hyper spin haha all the tactics will be pulled off from all these poopsock s .!
  • @fido139
    JB will have, earpiece, teleprompter, and drugged up. Thus "rigged".
  • @RejectedSon
    I haven't seen something this serious since Kendrick (Biden) vs Drake (trump)
  • I doubt the veracity of this claim. Who wants to watch two old men tell lies and insult each other? And why bother anyway? We know EXACTLY what we'll get from either of them as President because we've had four years of it already.
  • @srccr4385
    togetherness they are 200 years old...
  • I have other and better things to do. watching this is irrelevant to my vote
  • I’m voting for RFK. Trump and Biden are running a popularity contest, not about the real issues and policies that affect every day people’s lives