How Far is Too Far?

Published 2010-04-20
How much control can Obama and his administration have until we say enough is enough?

All Comments (11)
  • @pseudohippie55
    @ColumbiaCowboy Uhh. Have you even read any part of that bill? Obama is going to FORCE everyone to buy insurance APPROVED by the gov't. He will shut down all private insurers and force us to buy his insurance. And if we don't, he can fine us $7100 or even put us in jail. The gov't never ran student loans, they simply supplied them. They were reviewed by private companies. Now tell me: how is Obama and Congress going to figure out which students need the loans? They won't.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @Roninlord25a Yeah...obama only refused Single Payer because he didnt want to piss people off. He's said on multiple occasions that he's for single payer. But wait...isn't Obama going to FORCE everyone to buy into an insurance that the gov't approves in 2013? and if they don't they'll be fined $7100?
  • @Roninlord25a
    @pseudohippie55 1. Reductions in payments to providers to reflect increased efficiencies in the system, which the White House estimates could save $110 billion over the next decade. 2.Cuts in federal subsidies to hospitals that treat large populations of uninsured patients, estimated to save $106 billion in the next decade. 3.Cuts in how much the fede gov pays pharmaceutical companies to provide prescription drugs to seniors and others, estimated to save $75 billion over the next decade.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @Roninlord25a I guess huge cuts to medicare are ok if Obama does them, right?
  • @pseudohippie55
    @sgtUltimate Seems like some one didn't read anything in this video.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @Roninlord25a Funny how you say that. ISn't Obamacare going to CUT medicare by $500 BILLION?! And didn't the Republicans try to stop that bill? The uninformed bantering of an idiot Liberal. Brilliant.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @ColumbiaCowboy They aren't right wing lies, they're the trust, which you are trying to hide. you're trying to disprove my comments with lies, claiming they are the truth. But do you have proof that helth care won't be controlled by the gov't? Because I have proof of my statemennt and I'll be more than happy to send it to you. Just tell me if you want to see the truth.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @ColumbiaCowboy It isn't controlld now, but once this bill takes affect, you will see HUGH changes. and he never refused to consider a single payer system. IIn fact, a few years ago he said he was a proprieter of single payer insurance. I honestly cannot believe you buy into the bull shit Obama and CNN are feeding you. They're all lies and you're a sucker for believing them
  • @pseudohippie55
    @sgtUltimate wow. No shit sherlock Wanna make any other great deductions buddy? And why aren't you defending Obama? Could it be that you're admitting that I'm right?
  • @jesuschrizt4835
    3 years later and your still have your guns, what do you know......