Housemate Caught Stealing

Publicado 2016-07-06
Watch me confront our thief housemate, he denied it at first.........

We noticed money missing from our bedroom on a few occasions but because we had two others living with us I couldn't be sure who it was exactly, then money went missing one day while only one of was there at the time.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Just a quick update guys. I'm the Chris in the video who stole the money. I'm now a qualified doctor and just wanted to say I have successfully stolen organs from over 100 patients but none of them sued me after I told them it was "just this once"
  • @punpee508
    He has brought great dishonor to the family
  • @programclu1
    Can't believe anyone is saying she is being over the top. Stealing is one of the lowest things you can do, it says so much about a person. Absolute scum bag.
  • @lauratt7743
    You could tell he was guilty straight away by how detailed he was being with his explanation of how he had the notes and how easily and readily he owned up and went to get his wallet and show them
  • @jed3382
    It’s so wildly inappropriate.
  • @kite2surf
    Plot twist , Chris is wearing her underwear under his shorts.
  • @onedayyoumay95
    Why’s he lying so much if he was just gonna confess so easily lmao 😂
  • @carlwinslo
    He doesnt like to break 100's because they are special lmao! What a bad liar.
  • @tritonmole
    I bet when that dude graduates to become a doctor many people will start missing kidneys after an appendicitis surgery :D:D:D