DS9 Starbase 375-Fortune favors the bold. We'll See.

Published 2019-03-29
6x05 Fortune favors the bold

All Comments (21)
  • @cateclism316
    Garak: "I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately has taught me to expect the worst." Yup.
  • @bobpage6597
    I always got the impression from O'Brien that he was a bit uncomfortable with the "soldier" praise from Nog - hence the quick "Don't let that uniform go to your head....." quip. O'Brien always struck me as the kind of person who simply regards his combat experience as something he had to do to survive - but it doesn't make him special. Which is exactly how any normal soldier reacts.
  • @andrewxu3602
    Man am I glad that First Contact exists. Without it, we wouldn't have gotten the uniforms or Starfleet ship designs that defined the aesthetic of the Dominion War.
  • @joecolman1968
    Federation fleet moves out and you're like 'hell yea that's unstoppable.' Dominion fleet comes on screen and you're like 'fuck.'
  • @blacktronpavel
    These two episodes were some of the most epic and chilling moments in Star Trek. Never have the stakes felt this high. Th Next Generation felt like a warmup leading to this, imagining each of those Galaxy Class ships had their own unique adventures. And here everyone is to hold the line. Sacrifice of Angels indeed.
  • @jment34
    One of my favourite moments in DS9.
  • @loyaltyman2000
    This was the best scene ever in any Star Trek series. So many star fleet federation star ships and space crafts traveling in space at one moment. Star Trek DS9 seasons 5 and 6 were the best.
  • Since he's commanding a fleet of 600ish ships, you'd think that Starfleet could have at least sprung for an admiral's bars for the Emissary!
  • @Jarsia
    Sisko "theres an old saying. 'Fortune favours the bald'. Well, I guess I'm about to see if the chrome dome paid off."
  • @Omega-lj1nw
    'There's another starship coming in......its the ENTERPRISE!!!'
  • "Cadet, by the time you took command, there'd be no one left to call you anything."
  • @Firefox13A
    Probably the most epic moments in all of 90s Trek.
  • @oubunaye
    I always love playing the how many galaxy class ships can you spot game lol
  • @bridgecross
    1:38 They really went all out for the LCARS control panels in this show. I remember in TNG they were mostly static props. Now even the far background are animated screens. And this was in 1998, flat LCD screens were really expensive. I wonder if these are tube screens made to look flat.