Cultivate Self-Love While You Sleep | Deep Sleep Meditation with Delta Waves | Mindful Movement

Published 2018-10-01
Welcome to this guided sleep meditation with a body scan especially for deep relaxation. As you prepare for a deep and relaxing night's sleep, you will be cultivating a sense of unconditional love for yourself.

Loving yourself is important and can transform your life. Your perspective on life and your place in the world can shift. Know that your own wellbeing and love for yourself is at the heart of everything you do. Your relationships with other people, your work, and your environment are affected by your own relationship with yourself.

Looking for more Self-Love practices? Bookmark our Self-Love Playlist of Meditations for later:    • Self-love and Self-Acceptance Meditat...  

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: (Adrift Delta) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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All Comments (21)
  • 🌟 Cultivate Unshakable Self-Worth with Our Empowering Course! 🌟 Elevate your self-esteem and embrace your inherent self-worth. Journey through this transformative course to build a foundation of self-worth that empowers every aspect of your life. This self-paced course will give you the tools and strategies you need to give up people-pleasing and reframe your relationship with the inner critic, all from the comfort of your own home.
  • @IHGChick
    I usually 'sleep' 4-6 hours. I don't remember what I heard from the first few words after I put in the earbuds. I woke up once at 4 am to put on a fan and then went right back to sleep for a total of 9 HOURS of DEEP sleep for the first time in nearly two decades. God bless you BIG! 😴💗❤
  • @lindamotyka2185
    I listen to your meditations every night and my life has changed for the better as a result. Thank you! ❤️
  • @kemetlove1018
    The Mindful Movement meditations videos are THE BEST on YouTube!!! I love the woman’s voice, it is warm , even and soothing, and the music behind her voice is gentle and easy ...not over powering her voice or pulsating or erratic. This music helps to carry her message calmly into your brainwaves as I’m falling asleep or just chilly out while reading, cooking , etc. These videos are exactly what listening to soothing meditation should sound like. Thank you guys for making these videos. I’ve listened to MANY MANY meditation videos on YouTube in the last 10 years you all are number ONE in my book!!! THE BEST!!!!!❤️👍🏾👏🏾❤️. “Happy Chillin’”
  • Hello. I would like to request that you please make a video just like this one, but for three and a half hours or four hours. The reason is that it takes me that long to fall asleep. This video is very good and very wonderful, and I thank you very much! And please give it the tittle of self love meditation, so that I can find it easily. Thank you a million and God bless you abundantly!
  • @Anna-ny2xc
    Dear Sarah, thank you so much for your love and tenderness. You have helped so many people. Love from Pembrokeshire, west wales.
  • @shirsmi5533
    Voice is perfect. Music calm and soothing. Body scan followed by affirmations for loving one’s self. Quiet music for the last half as you gently ease into sleep. Loving one’s self motivates us to make healthier choices. Be kind. Rest well. 💙
  • @rdw4509
    “Cultivate self love while you sleep” 4 years ago. Sarah, I have been listening to your guided meditations for a few years and having enjoy them, am grateful for everything you do
  • @rebeccanora3750
    This is amazing. Slept for 8 hours deeply and waked up with much more energy. I'm suffering from burn out since a few months and ptbs but today I was productive and positivr in a way like I haven't been for months! Thank you so much.
  • @mariarz7106
    This meditation is life giving. I thank God for you Mindful Movement ❤ You have helped me to heal in so many ways.
  • I fell asleep while listening to this and awoke at 7am. No night time waking. Thank you 🎉For This ❤ I AM LOVE
  • Positive vibes out to all my brothers and sisters. Much love from Toronto!
  • What an incredible woman. She is beautiful inside and out. I am indigenous too, but I also am part Spaniard. I have a higher amount of Indigenous in me than Spaniard. I am so proud that she stayed true to her culture. She was lucky that she was brought up with the traditions of her people. Thank you very much 🙏🏼💞💝
  • @stephia20
    Your meditations are my favorite, so peaceful and elegant😊
  • @harshmodi8712
    Thank you So Much !!!! Thank you So Much !!! Thank you So Much !!! If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!! If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!! If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!! Yes !!! I do gratefully affirm I am open to receiving all healing available for the highest purpose and greatest good for myself and everyone in 10 directions and 3 existences for the highest and greatest good !!! O Great Spirit, Father Sky, Mother Earth, The Winds, The Waters, My Mother, My Father, My Grandmother, My Grandfather. May I live my life from the power of my inner infinite being Knowing that I am more expansive than my body That I already know the highest truth and I can see that truth in myself, others and all situations Living my life with my fullest intuitive potential, with ease and effortlessness, Creating the life of my desires every moment, with ease. Aho !!!! Dear Universe, I am ready to be made permanently whole again, Dear Universe. I consciously open myself to permanently release, Dear Universe, Today I become reborn. I call into existence, infinite peace, infinite joy, infinite love, infinite trust, infinite respect, infinite honour, Infinite courage, infinite confidence, infinite compassion, infinite unconditional support, infinite strength, infinite patience, infinite divine protection, infinite divine guidance, infinite divine understanding, infinite clarity of thought process, infinite clarity of heart and mind, infinite forgiveness, infinite financial abundance, infinite healing on mental, spiritual and physical plane in each and every areas of my life in 10 directions and 3 existences I now permanently severe and permanently release any and all energetic cords that do not serve my highest good, known & unknown. I permanently release you and I permanently release me from these negative binds. All negative cords are permanently destroyed, across all dimensions, times and planes, never to return again. I do hereby permanently banish these negative energetic cords and recover now all energy that was once lost. My pure powerful energy flows back to me permanently, filling me once again with ever increasing vitality and creating now a permanently peaceful energetic boundary of absolute pure unconditional love and pure white god's light. And so it is. I connect with God, the source of all Healing. With this Divine connection the words that I speak become my new reality. 💛🌟🌈☀️ I go back in time, my soul knows exactly where and when, to any event which has compromised my immune system and therefore my health and wellbeing and I now make a new different choice. In my new sense of expanded awareness I do not follow a path of vulnerability or illness, instead I follow the path of my spiritual purpose. This is a significant choice for me to make, it changes everything ! By removing the cause or any inclination toward infection, disease, disharmony, unwellness, negativity I can remove, reverse and release any virus or other negative lifeforms from my body and my environment. As I speak, now IT is Done. My heart fills with gratitude to God and my spiritual support team. May the Blessings Be Clearing: In my I am presence I ask Divine Mother, Divine Father and the Source of All That Is to undertake a full exorcism of possession of any beings, energies, or thought forms that do not abide by the Law of One, which is do no harm, and that they are permanently removed and no longer have access to my bio energy field, meridians, and chakras. I declare it so. So be it. It is done. Thank you. Installation: In my I am presence I declare I am a sovereign human being free and clear of any intrusions into my energy field from any and all sources known or unknown. I declare it so. So be it. It is done. Thank you. Thank you Source/God/the Divine for bringing down your white flame and light onto me. I deeply Thank you for sending Pure white Healing light and flame to every blade of grass, Tree, seed, fruit, plant, flower, weed, herb, grain of sand, Ocean, lake, river, stream, Sea, bird, insect, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, forest, jungle, waterfall, root, crystal, mountain, stone, atmospheric layer, Spiritual organisations, earth leyline, stone circle, earth chakra, man, woman, child, country, town, city, village, tribe, community and every layer of earth down to its core, thank you Source/God/the divine, for removing negative cords, trauma, blockages, toxic emotions, dark magic, illusions, rituals, programming and psychic attacks from all, clearing away the illusion of separation from Source/God/the divine creating a heightened sense of unity. Ho’oponopono prayer Clearing on the collective illusion of separation from Source/God/the divine. I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport Deepest praise and sincere gratitude for the Intense healings, love and divine angelic blessings !!! I am immensely grateful to you for the healing sessions to free me from all negative forces so that my life blooms in each and every way in 10 directions and 3 existences. I am confident and have full faith that the great good fortune for your healing sessions will come to you from 10 directions and 3 existences in tangible and intangible form of infinite joy, infinite happiness, infinite harmony, infinite divine love, infinite divine prosperity, infinite abundance, infinite divine wisdom, infinite divine courage, infinite compassion, infinite divine protection. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!! Deepest praise and sincere gratitude for the Intense healings, love and divine angelic blessings !!! God bless !!! Thank you !! Thank you !!! Thank you so much !!!
  • @jamesroof6150
    I find these meditations helpful and calming. Thank you❤🙏
  • @debrathain
    I love this and it is so true! We are shifting into the higher realms of light and energy is raising us up! I pray to God I move with it and my loved ones come with me. My son, my future daughter in-law. I love you! Thank you! ❤️🤗
  • @pogofuzz
    Wow! I’m vibrating ❤. Thank you both for sharing your wisdom, joy and the most amazing meditation.