Breaching Great White Sharks | Shweekend

Published 2015-08-28
#SHWEEKEND kicks off this Saturday 9/8c on Discovery. |

Catch AIR JAWS: WALKING WITH GREAT WHITES Sunday 8/30 at 9/8c on Discovery!

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All Comments (21)
  • Ever since I was a kid I have had a fascination about marine life, orcas ,blue whales, squid, sperm whales ,humpback whales , grey whales,sea turtles, dolphins,but of all the life under water the great white shark captures my imagination like no other.
  • @chanman4rings
    Hey Discovery... this is what we want to see for shark week. Not mocumentaries and reality shows
  • @natas779
    The great white shark loves shopping ,walks along the beach and the occasional movie with some wine and cheese.
  • @johnbasedow8973
    technically its impossible to walk with great whites or any sea/ocean dwelling creature for that matter
  • Imagine being a jet pilot flying near the water then seeing one of these sharks jump out at you.
  • @gtrman12887
    That first clip of the great white jumping out of the water in slow motion looked like it was about to fly...that would have been a problem...
  • @thundercatz21
    I surf everyday and have immense respect for these guys. I don’t ever want to run into one tho 😂
  • @TeemoForLife
    It would be so funny if they saw a megalodon jump up and eat the Bait and they were like :OOoOOoOoOOOoOOOoOooOOoOO JAW DROPPED. U get it ;)
  • @godshands0040
    My favorite animal of all time. Perfect in all aspects.
  • @koloco2125
    This is why I don't ever swim in the ocean