Banned and Controversial Foods

Published 2024-03-23

All Comments (21)
  • @nobody5333
    “Hey majors” That settles it. We are all old.
  • @jmr1255
    Shark fin harvesting is actually worse than is explained here. They are caught, the fins are cut off of the living shark, and the quadruple-amputee shark is thrown back in the water, still alive.
  • @vbrown6445
    As a Jamaican, I'm proud that our associated food was the only one on this list that was neither disgusting nor involved needless cruelty to animals.
  • “Killing 1 bird with no stones” made me blow more air out of my nose
  • @elinrii
    Samonella is like that one uncle who you rarely see but every time he visits it's a miracle
  • @ojm850699
    “Our mission is to eat birds whole and then make people not remember things” simply unhinged and I love it
  • @Unownshipper
    Ah yes, that decadently prepared Sam O'Nella content we crave... and the subject just happens to be about weird cravings.
  • @danso_999
    "Ah. Today I crave bird spit." That voice killed me.
  • @robertobrosful
    "Akee" "What?" "Akee." "Where?" "Aquí." Spanish words out of nowhere is now one of my most favorite jokes on Youtube, lmao
  • @hzkaka5425
    my man of culture is back, giving us info we didnt think we needed, but gladly accepted! Thanx Mate. Good to hear/see from u again
  • @pixelfiend7292
    When the last star dies, and the heat death of the universe is complete, one last sound will travel through the void: “hey elders”
  • 6:29 I love that the lobotomy guy is photorealistic while Cosby is a horrific caricature
  • @lady_spider8481
    0:38 As a sardinian girl I feel so honored that our lord and savior Sam O'Nella mentioned a part of my culture! (even if it's one of the strangest part of it) So to celebrate here's some other little facts about casu martzu! As Sam says in the video "Casu" in sardinian means cheese and "martzu" means rotten. This cheese monstrosity literally means "rotten cheese" and it's sold in little villages in the more mountainous parts of sardinia. If you want to even get a glimpse of this cheese you have to get to one of those villages and personally know someone that makes that cheese. Or know someone who knows someone who knows a guy who's friend with someone who makes this kind of cheese. You get the idea. This alien-cheese, as most cheeses are, is eaten with bread. But not any kind of bread. Carasau bread. This type of  bread looks more like a extraordinary thin tortilla and it's crunchy like potato chips. You will find this type of bread EVERYWHERE in sardinia. It's not dining in sardinia if there is no carasau A lot of sardinian themselves find casumarzu disgusting but still a loved part of the culture. I too find it disgusting but I  can also testify that is actually really tasty and pretty good after your brain forgets that it's a maggot filled nightmare to save you from the trauma you just inflicted to yourself. Honestly we have even more strange recepies: wild boar sausage, "coratella" , quail in myrtle (it's not even that strange usualy but my grandma practically drowns the poor quail in the myrtle-) But I digress Aaaaand a last little fun fact about sardinians. We do have island syndrome. We are incredibly short for no damn reason apart from living in a iSlAnD . I'm not even joking, most of the people I know are bellow 1.70 cm and always have to use stools to get things from top shelfs. Hope this little fun facts were enjoyable, love from Sardinia!
  • @adampatino5372
    Just discovered this gem of a channel and I can't remember the last time learned as much as I laughed. Bravo, good sir, bravo! 👏
  • @Dragons_Armory
    Context: Yao Ming is mentioned because of his PR campaigns about not eating shark fin soup was so influential that it was responsible for an immensely steep reduction of the soup's consumption in China. From 2011 to 2018, consumption of shark fin soup dropped by 70% in China.
  • @tobitt8157
    The french will do ANYTHING to get mentioned in a Sam O'Nella video
  • @FANCIAS911
    Hope you're doing well Sam. Just graduated college myself last May and this whole real life thing can blow sometimes but it always gets better. Glad to have you back!