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Levent K********

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Levent K********の説明

Welcome, stranger!

As you've made here, let's make a Q&A among us.

Q) What does your username stand for?
A) It stands for my real name, Levent K????????. I have censored my surname just for fun.
Q) Are you a bot(A), a team(B), or just one person(C)?
A) C.
Q) How much time do you waste on YouTube?
A) It used to be a lot more, but currently I waste around 1 hour daily, in total.
Q) What else do you do?
A) Many things... Like playing chess, studying chess, reading, playing some video games and studying engineering related stuff, as I'm willing to be a mechanical engineer.
Q) Can we be friends?
A) Sort of... You may send me a friend request on
Even if you wanna play with me, I'll accept your request if I'm ready.
Just one condition: I'll decide the time control we'll play. :)
Q) How did you become so popular?
A) By commenting.
Q) But, that is not a clear answer?
A) I know :)

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