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Gluten Hates My Guts

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Gluten Hates My Guts の説明

After 10 long years of suffering with symptoms, I was finally diagnosed with coeliac disease back in 2016.

Due to the lack of information provided to people with coeliac disease, I decided to become an advocate for myself and others with the condition. 

Since my diagnosis I have become more knowledgeable about dietary needs, developed better cooking and meal planning skills, and developed better planning skills for eating out and traveling gluten free. All of which I will share with you :)

So whether you're looking for information, resources, or some reassurance, Gluten Hates My Guts has you covered. ​From gluten free recipes, travel tips and more we're here to help you live your best gluten free life!

If this has piqued your interest, take a look around and don't be shy.. we would love to hear from you too!! Get involved by leaving comments on our videos, and subscribe to our blog over at

..Oh and remember to subscribe to this channel too! 

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