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crispy squid

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crispy squidの説明

hello! I play fall guys tournaments mostly, and only upload them if I do well. that’s where my trashy schedule comes from.

my PSN is crispy_squid and my epic games ign is crispy squid. you can friend request me or message me over on either, although im no longer active on playstation. who knows? maybe I might reply.

my discord is crispy_squid#1942. I’m not as active over there and I only add people I trust, but my DMs are always open so if there’s something you want to show me, shoot me me a dm!

for all those who want that personal stuff, I live in the UK! other than fall guys, I almost always play terraria, but sometimes you can see me playing overwatch 2, minecraft or gartic phone!

oh and also I’m kinda an artist, but i suck.

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