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⯎Valerie Moonlight⯎

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⯎Valerie Moonlight⯎の説明

Hi my name is...oh wait I'm not supposed to tell, just call me Valerie or Val, I am a gachatuber who makes obviously Gacha videos, though I'm also quite lazy and due to other factors in my life I won't post much, hopefully this will change in the future but for now I'd probably post monthly. From time to time I will also post Roblox videos and possibly Minecraft videos in the future. Also I may post vent videos sometimes, sorry about that, I know it's quite annoying to see people post vent videos but I hope it doesn't really bother people, but one reason is so that anyone guys could vent if you need , I know a lot of people don't have people to vent to and I know many vent on vent videos as they know that the person they are venting to has experienced similar and may be willing to help, so if you do need to vent you can vent on any of my upcoming vent videos (or on discord privately or on my server. Hope I'll be very entertaining for y'all :)

Discord User: x_valerie_moonlight_x

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