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Freedom of Thought & Free Will are incredibly important, to those of us who believe FREEDOM IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT. Yet, while these freedoms are important, sometimes exercising them, can cause conflict. Choosing Compromise over Conflict is a more Peaceful Resolution. (Afterall, who in their right mind does not want PEACE in their life?) When Compromise is not Possible, "Agree to Differ" rather than Argue & Fight. Then again, AGREEMENT is only reached when BOTH parties or people are WILLING. When one is adamant, disagreeable, and difficult to deal with, the other can confront, argue, and battle it out, or Give Peace a Chance. PeacePlease!!
"IMAGINE All the People Living Life in PEACE - Yoooohooo!" John Lennon.
PEACE should not mean complacency & acceptance of injustice & wrong. We all have an obligation to do what's right, and stand up against injustice. Injustice to ANYone affects EVERYone, because we are all connected - Spiritually we are ONE!!
"We Are The World" - PeacePlease!

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