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I am here to cause and spread chaos :D
I see myself as a jester: I live to entertain others and make people laugh.
I draw with my fingie :P

When I say that my life is a circus, I'm not making fun of myself: I am the Ringmaster of my life, I control what I wish to whatever extent it may be; I am a clown towards other people, I live to make others laugh and smile; I dodge the knives life throws at me as best as I can; I walk a tightrope life gives me to my destination, for the journey there will be difficult; I juggle many responsibilities and duties I have as best as I can; I am a Magician when it comes to art and my other talents; when life shoots me out of a canon, it may be painful, but in the end, it's taking me somewhere. My life is a circus. I live to entertain :)

Prepare for pure chaos and destruction :D

Ye :3

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